IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

In all seriousness I have only really seen smaller arsehole businesses try to deny a warranty claim as it doesn’t really affect them past nominal time costs in filing to the manufacturer. Considering the nicheness of this hobby it would be a death sentence on the business if they took such an anti-consumer stance… May be worth reminding them of this if you face serious opposition.

Also as the purschase was made in the last 6 months you have some additional protection up to that period such as being able to ask for a fully new item or your money back if the product is defective and needs to be replaced.

Have you also tried going straight to the manufacturer? Worth a try buy can be difficult when they are in a different continent to get them to respect EU legislation. Also usually they want you to go to the original seller first but when they are being unreasonable sometimes the manufacturer will step in - this happened to me when I was doing some property development and the entire flooring that had been laid had a structural defect that the seller wouldn’t accept but the manufacturer stepped in to remedy at a small extra cost.

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This exactly

I am annoyed enough, that I unsubbed from Ian Fann on YouTube. Weaponizing copyright strikes for things that are clearly fair use is a shitty thing to do, and I don’t need shitty people in my life.


It looks like he took down the video


I bought a pair of Cadenzas from @Cameleon30 with plans to make some more “Prison Mikes”.

Maybe it’s the H570 tips, but this time around I’m super impressed with them even without modding. The upper mids gain is just within my limits and it doesn’t seem as “dry” as it has previously.

Really impressive.

Correct. From Aful´s perspective though, I see this more of a proof of concept iem and it is likely the beginning of them using more drivers combined with all the tech used in the magic one at a higher price range.


oh man ouch!

hmmm, would putting it in a warm environment so that the moisture would perhaps evaporate but not hot enough to damage anything else work?

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Fully agree, and these are making a great impression / building anticipation for that!


Well seems like putting it in rice worked :smiling_face_with_tear: I would leave it for another night and maybe dry it in 35degC tomorrow depending on how brave I would be.


You gonna cook the Twillight with the rice? Stir fried perhaps? :joy:


If that could help I would be cooking it already :cook: Those are too much fire of a set to let it go. If they would be dead I would honestly consider repurchase…


That’s what Riku suggested: use their inner fire to make stir fried rice.

The best rice out there!

Put Siligagel in the box you keep them in. Always put them back like this after use. This is how I keep my IEMs and there is no problem with moisture.

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I’ve tried multiple $200-$500 IEMs and I still prefer my Starfields more than all of them smh

I need a good upgrade haha

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Sometimes it just comes down to a preferred sound/tonal setting. At a show a few days ago I tried some IEMs that were $800 -1000+ and I couldn’t find a better sounding IEM than the HYPЕ2 to my ears. Sad but true…

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If you look closely there are couple of those bags hidden under rice grains, but I hid them for better pic :speak_no_evil:

Glad it worked! You’ve sealed the container right? I’ve worked with desiccants and you need a surprisingly large amounts for a small volume!

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Yes I did, however I did not have that many tbf, from now on I am gathering them all.
Wondering how do rice compare to silica gel in terms of “absorbance” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Heat them up in the oven first! That replenishes them lol

Ahhh that’s great to hear! Will remember this for if humidity is a problem for my IEMs! Thanks! And congrats! :smiling_face::+1:

I have seen people say to avoid using rice like that though…