IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Are you able to compare the Glacier and Cadenza 12?

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Cadenza 12 has a more natural tuning and sound more balanced, less energetic and has some smoothness to it. They are quite different and I could see both work well together in a collection, or if one only could have one maybe look at what sound signature you preffer. Both are excellent sets.

Took some photos late at night of both, exaggerates the scratches and dust :sweat_smile:


Moved my guide to github instead of sharing a pdf file. Still working on it and will take a bit more time to move over to github.


Anyone remember the meme iem shape that was the CA Trifecta?

Looks like clones exists.

Gotta dampen the nozzle and then maybe it would look better lol.


Awesome, thank you! :pray:

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Guys, this might come out as me being very late to the party, but what do you think about the Pula Anvil 114? Apparently it’s a set that some like and some doesn’t like due to it being “weird” to some and I am considering getting it as well, like a pairing to my Performer 7s. Binary Audio Dynaquattro comes to mind as well and the Myer Audio CKLVX.

Quick update on tanchjim space:

Came to the conclusion that the lower mids are a little thin sounding when directly compared to Q5K/G5/BTR15

High treble is slightly boosted which helps with the sense of space and makes it a very interesting/technical listen but that wow effect kinda goes away when the treble is just a bit too spicy on certain tracks.
It’s not to the point of harshnes but there’s just too much focus on it and it get’s a bit distracting.

Reduced lower mids/midbass and boosted higher treble, is that what causes that sense of space and clarity? I am not really experienced with that but this i how I imagine it to be.

I guess it comes down to synergy, so far i only tested it with Cadenza 12 which might just be a little too much of a clean sound overall

It will probably pair better with warmer IEMs, will do some more testing today.


An update, I have finally received the right item and go the Dunu Lyre Mini, and man I must say the purchase is worth it in the end. It improved the overall comfort and fit that I have from this one and as well as able to use the ePro Propeller tips without any discomfort anymore. Not only that, it’s modular as well therefore this type of cable should’ve had been the stock cable for the Performer 7s.

Also this might be placebo from me and I know cables really don’t change a lot of sounds, but the sounds that I get from the Performer 7s when I use this one, makes the set much greater in terms of its overall sound that is already great being stock.


The Pula Anvil 114 has a distinct sound that some find a bit unconventional, but it’s definitely a solid choice for those looking for something different. It offers good clarity and a strong low-end presence, but might not be for everyone.

Well then, time to experience IEM that is a bit niche, since I have pulled the trigger. It’s looking promising and for the price? I cannot say no. I hope I’ll like it once it arrives, a good partner with my Performer 7

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Not me thinking the scratches and dust were part of the design elements xD
Is that a narrow bore one and wide bore on the other?

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Think I had the DUNU Candy tips on the Glacier and Divinus on Cadenza 12 in the photo, I preffer to use Divinus on most sets. Also what worked best for me on the Glacier.


So I have been experimenting with the sets I bought and tried to eq them to some iems I’m interested in. All graphs are from the same squig database. I noticed that on some iem, some eq sounds better while on others is not as good. For example the Cinno eq’ed to Elua is satisfying for me but not when I eq’ed the YuXuanJi to Elua. Is this because of the different type of drivers/drivers configuration? Or maybe also the difference in the initial tuning of the tested iem?

I know that ofc we can’t replicate another iem based on an eq but is there non planar iems that takes eq well enough to give a pretty accurate estimation? Would be interested to hear other peoples thought about this since I’m very new to this. Thanks!


Different iems (specifically its the driver inside them, so 2 different iems with different shells but identical drivers will respond the same with eq) responds differently well to EQ. Some drivers cant handle a sub-bass boost at all and may start clipping at +3db boost, while some can eat up over +15db without issue.

The best non-planar iem with EQ (specifically PEQ as regular EQ sucks) would be the Sony MDR-EX800st/EX1000


I see. This might be the reason why on some iems it felt like the vocal is in the backgrounds or the bass kinda muddy eventhough its being eq’ed to the same graph. Thanks for the explanation! I’ll stick with my S08 for now for eq purposes.

Are you using a negative preamp? (assuming you have a filter that boosts.)

Yeah, double-check that the eq profiles are all below 0db (negative gain on the filters?). I think autoeq in squig manages this by default.

I use the autoeq on squig then export it for wavelet. I don’t know if the there is preamp for this like the usual peq if using peace apo.

Neither the file from what I can see nor squig has any preamp values. So I assume it is not set (defaults to 0db then I guess). So you might need to change that yourself.

I assume its the threshold or the post gain in wavelet. Gonna tinker around with it. Iirc I just have to add all the + and - then compensate the sum right?