IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

I haven’t trusted YouTubers for a long time. For most of them, every IEM is “fantastic”. :laughing:
Just my 2 cents…


I dont think Chris/HBB earn much of his income from reviewing​:sweat_smile:. Properties and stocks is his main income he said. (Trusting my memory here):joy:

Edit: Clarification

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The reviewer thang. For me, I don’t get too bothered by what the content providers put out. I appreciate the time and effort they put in, and if they can make some money I’m good with it. It’s nice to get different perspectives, and for the most part I find the content entertaining and very helpful. Anything else, I’m out! My way of keeping the endeavor joyful.

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Yeah, it’s entertainment, not journalism, and I’m content to consume it as such.


@pk500 Good question on the folks who write for audio mags and such. I sometimes wonder that myself, as I cannot remember the last time I read an audio magazine or even seen one. And I am traditionally a guy who prefers to have the print in my hand. I recently was at a Walgreen’s and specifically looked for an audio mag. I didn’t find one.

In other news, I’ve been tip rolling with the Mega5est. I just slipped on some Divinus Velvets. Went from the Ice Blue things which were good, to I believe the Candy, which was really good, to the Spinfits which were excellent. And now the Velvets. Fucking Yahtzee, man! These things have improved things considerably. Much better bass now, and beautiful sub-bass. Every part of the spectrum is better defined now. For lack of a better term, they unleash the full potential of the IEM.

Crazy. I love this IEM even more now! :rofl: That is also a second set that has been converted over to Divinus Velvet wide bore tips. Seems I am having success with these and the S&S.

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My review is out on Head-Fi of LETSHUOER Mystic 8

In short it’s perfect for the ones who enjoy a neutral and clear sound with a hint of smoothness, for me it shine at midrange and highs with beautiful vocals.

While it is BA bass it also manages good depth and punch, just not the most body or texture.

To me this is more of a specialist set, so when the mood and music is right it is very beautiful. It will soon be open for sale in the western market, and last I heard price is going to be $989

Thanks for reading, cheers



You summed up M8 way better than I could ever do, great review man :clap:


Most full BA IEMs suffer from poor macro-dynamics and not very good micro-dynamics. The other bad thing is pressure build-up. I don’t know if that’s the case here, but I’m not going to find out. :nerd_face:

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To me micro or macro details the same, resolution as I call it. I find it to have okay dynamics, so silent parts play soft/silent and loud when called for. My complaints are more about the decay being cut to fast since it’s BA, but also a good thing for some folks.

I have no ear pressure issues, I had problems with a few others in the past :+1:


Great review! The Mystic 8 sounds like a real beauty, Also that is a stunning shot😍

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Nice review and thats a great pic! really highlights the design and the subtlety within it

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Great review, Mate, as per usual :slight_smile:

Love the pic you took as the cover photo as well. Love the colors and that red bokeh ball in the background. Nice touch.

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634ears TENORA with Bocote wood

Just got this beuty today, the newest model from the Japanese maker 634ears. It costs a little more than the Miroak II model at around 340usd, and is sort of the successor to the older entry level model 9ine.

Warm and smooth tonality, such an enjoyable listen. First day impressions, will let it get some time to settle before any deep impressions.