IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

This is such an insightful comment; wish more understood. These tactics are used across all industries with marketing (propaganda) attempting to convince the consumer that the change is good/this food is good for you and that is bad/changes and added costs are for your safety/etc. It is so frustrating when you suspect, do some digging, and realize that what’s good for the bottom line (now and in the future) is vastly more important than what is truly desired and/or good for the consumer. Especially in industries that affect people’s health and wellbeing.

Hope this Wednesday morning rant doesn’t offend or bring anyone down. @GregTheEgg 's comment is so spot-on and touched a nerve with me this morning. Wish our leaders worldwide had more stones and were a little less greedy standing up for the consumer (speaking of the insurance, food, medical industries, monetary policy, etc.).

Great comment @GregTheEgg !


Rec request:

Single DD, ideally beryllium, high (Cadenza 12)/TOTL technical capabilities, neutral (Cadenza 12)/slight bass elevated tuning.

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Yep that is definitely true. I personally usually just use low shelfs for bass boosting so its pretty easy to calculate that. But otherwise with peaks they may indeed overlap like that.

That one is one of the more confusing ones like Pyla mentioned, in cases where it isnt clear, just use the biggest boost as the preamp, in your case it is +10db so set -10db in preamp.


Not to mention brands like Samsung that mocked Apple for it, turned around and did the same and pretended their mockery ad never existed…shameless bastards…

They couldnt have timed it better since the first (iirc) airpod came out at the same announcement day.


Interwstingly -6.5dB should be enough. Going the safe road with rule of thumb of the preamp=negative of max gain setting is generally much quicker though :slight_smile:


Which is app is this?
One thing i noticed is in initial peqdb Eq preamp was -6.9 and highest value was 13.8 at 214hz
Then i changed some freq refining the eq but after some time peace automatically changed preamp to -8.8 and peak was still 13.8 and after reducing more unnecessary peak which were not contributing anything to sound this is my current peq.

That is the Qudelix 5K app.

Your filters are not done very well (you can do the same with less filters) so you need to do some more calculations to get the preamp. To make it simpler imagine this. Just 2 filters:

Low shelf 80hz, +10db gain, q value 0.6

Low shelf 200hz, +2db gain, q value 0.6

= preamp would be needed to be set to -12db (10+2db)

Low shelf 80hz, +10db gain, q value 0.6

Low shelf 200hz, -2db gain, q value 0.6

= preamp would be needed to be set to -8db (10-2db)

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Hmm, I thought having more filter means more precise tuning and i guess less filter can do samr job and easier understanding this stuff. But i dont understand these Peak filter, low self filter etc. What they do.

That is indeed true, but if you can do the same thing with less that is what I would do.

My PEQ guide:


Thanks i understand now except Q value. Does Q value set automatically when we input gain value and apply or is other way of determining that?

No q value is not automatic (at least if you use manual PEQ, I dont use autoeq so dunno about that).

Go to any squig.

And just play around with the EQ tab and you can see how each setting affects the sound.

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Maybe worth looking at the softears twilight or tuuri ti?

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I will, but for now I am going to need a beater set when I am outside or in need of a quick audio for my workout sessions.

I feel you bro! Sadly all the politicians also get a cut. A politicians job is basically to get elected thats all

Like a pharmacy selling the disease and the cure


ex800 still your favourite? what makes them so special? :thinking: I might have to snag a pair

try this later and see how it sounds like

Preamp: -22.8 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 7.1 dB Q 0.800
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 30 Hz Gain 3.6 dB Q 0.700
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 100 Hz Gain 2.1 dB Q 0.500
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 300 Hz Gain -2.6 dB Q 0.500
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 500 Hz Gain -2.8 dB Q 0.100
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain 3.8 dB Q 0.200
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 1500 Hz Gain -4.9 dB Q 1.000
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 3200 Hz Gain 7.6 dB Q 1.600
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 4200 Hz Gain 5.0 dB Q 4.900
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 5500 Hz Gain -3.0 dB Q 1.400
Filter 11: ON PK Fc 6500 Hz Gain -11.6 dB Q 1.700
Filter 12: ON PK Fc 6544 Hz Gain 6.8 dB Q 6.000
Filter 13: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -3.6 dB Q 1.900
Filter 14: ON PK Fc 11000 Hz Gain -9.2 dB Q 2.200
Filter 15: ON PK Fc 12000 Hz Gain 3.1 dB Q 1.500
Filter 16: ON PK Fc 15000 Hz Gain 18.5 dB Q 0.500
Filter 17: ON PK Fc 17000 Hz Gain 6.7 dB Q 1.500
Filter 18: ON PK Fc 20000 Hz Gain 0.1 dB Q 1.000

download the preset so you don’t have to manually do it

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Unrivaled bass texture, airyness and stage in an iem. Its pretty much an earbud but with iem bass.

I have no interest in chifi iems anymore and this is one big factor for that.


How do you rate Z1R in comparison?

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I dont have any PEQ player/software with that many filters. If you want me to try one give me one with max 10 and that works with UAPP.

But that one looks too bright for me particularly the 3k area and it also doesnt need nearly as much upper-treble as other iem due to being semi open.

I also wouldnt lower the 200-2k area like that.

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I sadly never tried it though to many people telling me it will never fit my ears. And with how much it costs that is also another obstacle.

If it helps though, I read that some people still prefer it (or well the EX1000 but its pretty damn similar anyway) over the Z1R.

Note that my modded EX800st (removed foam and metal cylinder in nozzle) is better than the 1000 but I have not done the same to the 1000 so I assume it would be better if done the same.