IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

I’ve been playing keyboards for 15 years, and 3 years ago I went permanently deaf in my left ear. After dozens of gigs with suboptimal stage sound, I’ve finally decided to switch to IEM’s so I can pump a mix directly into my good ear without having to worry about directionality.

I’ll be getting one of these in the near future so I can enjoy the fullness of stereo piano sounds without the usual summing-to-mono weirdness. In the meantime, I’ve bought a Sennheiser XSW set (since it’s one of the more affordable wireless stereo IEM rigs) and I’m just using the stock earbuds until I can plug a Sensaphonic 221 into the receiver.

[NOTE: I know common wisdom is for people with stationary instruments like keyboards to get wired IEM’s. But I tend to have a very active stage presence, especially on gigs that call for melodica, so freedom of movement is a plus]

For the sake of convenience, I decided to buy a small mixer to control my outputs and inputs. All of my instruments go straight into the mixer channels, and one channel (let’s say Channel 1 for the sake of convenience) is reserved for a monitor mix from FOH. Then, I send FOH everything except Channel 1 through the main outs (i.e. the FOH input channel is muted in the main mix, so FOH only gets my instruments without me “doubling” everything else). I dial in my own aux mix (including my instruments and the everything-except-me signal on Channel 1) and feed my IEM’s through the aux out.

It turned out to be harder than I expected to find a small mixer with a stereo aux send (which, as I said above, is something I want so I can hear my piano patches without phase cancellation), but the Soundcraft Notepad 12FX looked like the right solution for the right price. Pressing a button changes the aux send from a balanced mono line out to a stereo headphone out, so in theory I can do everything the way I want to.

My gig last Saturday night was the maiden voyage for this rig, and results were…mixed. There was a lot of noise, both static hiss and some more “dynamic” popping and cracking. Radio interference on the wireless isn’t the culprit, since I made sure the frequency was clean and there was only about 3 feet between the transmitter and receiver. I have noticed that my 12FX is quite noisy: even with every channel cranked all the way down and nothing plugged in, if I slide the Master fader up to 0dB I hear a noticeable hiss from the main outs. Perhaps my unit is defective; I’ll go back to the store tomorrow and A/B with another one.

Beyond that, though, I imagine that I did a lot of things wrong in terms of gain staging, etc. I’ve been trying to find out how far I am from the “right way” of doing things, but some of the online documentation for my gear is quite obtuse, and I can’t figure out the necessary information. So, after far too much preamble, here are my two questions:

  1. Is it a bad idea to use the aux send on the 12FX in headphone out mode as the input to my IEM transmitter? I know headphone outs tend to be hotter than line outs, but I can’t find any information on how this affects the output impedance (and I’m not even sure what the input impedance is on the transmitter).
  2. As far as I can tell (but I’m very uncertain on this), on the 12FX’s hybrid channels (1-4), the XLR inputs are mic-level and the 1/4" inputs are line-level, with the XLR’s having constantly active phantom power. Would this be a problem if I’m getting my FOH input via XLR? I assume the XLR outs from the FOH console would be line level, so I’m wondering if that explains some of the noise problems from my gig. Would I be better off getting a TRS input from FOH so I can plug it into a line level input without phantom power?

Sorry for the essay, but any help is greatly appreciated!

Crin explains pretty much all a hobbyist needs to know about graphs and graphing and no it’s not a TLDR…

and Andrew’s concise video on the subject…


Hello friends.

Review on Simgot EA1000.

In a blind test of iems, I am confident that people wouldn’t come close to guessing their price. They are so incredibly impressive. Simgot has pushed the boundary to an unprecedented level, stepping up its game. These IEMs set a benchmark and are undoubtedly the best in the $200 USD range. In terms of abilities and technicalities, they can give a good fight to IEMs that are double or triple their price. With some extra effort in cable rolling and perfect source matching, they reach unbelievable levels. If Simgot EA1000 were sold under the brand name Campfire Audio or 64Audio, the iems would have been priced at more than 1000 USD. I am sure no one will disagree with this. I think setting a price of 200 USD is just too absurd. Other brands in market should learn from Simgot about how to deliver a high-end sound within budget.


how ea1000 compare vs ea2000? still ea2000 is flagship of simgot//? 64 audio u12t new sells 2000eur,but real value is 1000eur, so only 2x overpriced. not 5x as you mention that ea1000 price 1000eur

Dude you really need to buy some IEM’s to try for yourself, telling folks this set isn’t worth whatever means diddly squat in this hobby full stop…it’s about what a set is worth to you and your library…god knows how you managed to end up with a pair of Stellia’s as that’s somewhat of a marmite set for a lot of folk.


I already have the Dunu Zen Pro and I’m really curious about the Simgot EA1000 Fermat. Wonder how they compare to each other. Anybody has tried them both? I’m tempted to pull the trigger.

I’m honestly unsure if your posts are genuine or you’re just trolling the forum.

He’s saying it’s a fantastic iem and competes with iem’s way above its price point.

I’ve never heard it myself, but a few friends of mine have, and they share this sentiment (that it’s a real gem for the price).


Ok the dudes gone but he did have a sense of humour…when I DM’ed him asking him to stop trolling and re-think before his next post, he replied "ok. so ea1000 better sounds vs fiio fd7? bass,details,imaging,tone,vocals?”


Haha Classic Leo response. The guy must be trolling, surely?!

I know he’s been going around multiple audiophile fb groups for the past several weeks too asking the exact same questions. I also heard he was banned from HF previously for the same stuff.

I tried to help the guy, but it became quite obvious there’s no helping some people.

He was pretty entertaining for a while, I can’t deny it.


Either he is retarded or suffers from mental problems. But he can’t be helped here.

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Maybe a little strong with that diagnosis Doc…he/she was never offensive or rude just played us for whatever reason…hand on :heart: I’ve had way bigger problems to deal with on this forum for sure.


This instantly makes him WAY less annoying. That is absolutely hilarious :joy:


Ain’t it just, gonna leave with a better sound question…



LOL he DM me as well asking similar stuff, thought he was just looking for help, but knowing the context I kinda feel bad if the guy really was just looking for help :joy:


This is my headcanon for their appearance when asking those questions.


The dude just posted on a Facebook group asking the same question and I laughed literally out loud :joy: the dude is a professional troll with lots of time on his hands


I’m not a doctor, but I keep saying this one has mental issues… Trolls are more interesting, this one cycles on the same thing, maybe cyclophrenia :thinking: :shushing_face:

He is a troll. I made the mistake of interacting with him on FB’s Aural Cafe and others. After trying to recommend some sets to him (I have a large IEM collection) and a 60/65 line post and discussion he replied with ‘so which is better? the fiio FX15 or the Monarch MK3’. It was amusing at first, and as I’m retired it filled up a bit of a dreary day, but now everytime somebody posts about a new IEM, up he pops with the question. I would add he was booted off the AUR FB page as he tried the same crap with Nic, Aur’s owner.


In the dimly lit room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered, mixing with the faint hum of distant chatter. As the clock ticked away, a single flickering candle cast dancing shadows on the worn pages of an open book, its secrets unfolding in the quietude of the night.


BTW, glad to see you, Leo. You are so omnipresent, like on every forum possible. Are you a GOD?