IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

That’s fair - I don’t think I have the ability to really pick up on that difference though when listening to the Holocene though the Apple dongle versus the Qudelix 5K

hi. if i like hifiman ananda sound and details,but need bit more deeper bass,a bit more warmth ,so,good idea look at fiio fx15 ?-as grapfhs at mids and treble region very similar? i have meze rai penta neutral sound,i like mids and bass on meze,but need to get more highs.

My man :pinched_fingers::handshake: I know you’ll keep em honest, that’s what’s needed right now for Elysian, I’ve lost all faith in them.

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Ok dude, if you have $1000 buy a Mon MK3, if you have $1300 saved up buy a Prestige LTD. After buying one of these two IEMs, you can throw them Rai Penta in the trash… And don’t bother with Kinera, just skip everything else, including FiiO. Merry Christmas holidays! :wink:


Allright :saluting_face:


HP’s and IEM’s graph differently…As @pylaczynski explained previously…

IEM bypasses our natural gain system (look up HRTF) and you need to add gain in the tuning to compensate for that to make it sound “neutral”. For IEM it is commonly called pinna gain and assumes adding couple of dBs around 3kHz. You should look in the beginning in graphs compensated against some normalized for in ear monitors targets to see what is the shape

Olina SE by itself look pretty V-shaped?

Then normalize against let’s say Diffuse field target at 500Hz and the outcome not so V shaped anymore. It changes a lot when you change the normalization frequency, so be careful with that tool.


what is pinna gain? for what is it ? 3khz area?

Оооо fakkkkkkkkk… :joy: :joy: :joy:


im new in audio hobby with iem. just used 11years for travel ,music only one headphones-nokia bh-905 anc . still works perfect. only pads near dead glued few times.payed 400usd in 2010


If you are new, why are you even looking at so expensive iems when you barely know much, let alone what you yourself prefer…


i like listen factory tuned hp or iem. im prefer iem with high resolution,lots micro and macro details,imaging,separation ,lush vocals,very extended treble ,and good bass,but not for basshead,- subwoofer like bass,that not overly mids,mostly neutral warmth brighter sound. my main headphones at desktop is focal stellia. for travel use focal bathys,for open back use hifiman ananda BT. bass on stellia simply that im want get on iem and iem similar sound to stellia. focal bathys bass too big factory tuned,so im it down 2.5db in app

Best advice I can give you is just pull the trigger on something you think you’ll like, that’s reasonably priced.

Based on your limited experience and understanding, no amount of impressions or people’s opinions are going to make a difference.

Only way to really know if you’ll like something is to try it.

Whether that be from demo/auditioning them or rolling the dice and going the trial and error route like I did.

I wouldn’t just gamble on expensive kilobuck iem’s unless you’re confident the tuning is for you. Get something around $200-$300 and go from there.


:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: trying investigate more and more about iem sound. see at bgvp dm9,bgvp phantom,fiio fx15,monarch mkiii,prestige,oracle mkii,audio hekili,kinera nanna 2.1 Z-tune…

You’ll never grasp it until you hear it yourself. I’ve bought and sold a lot of sets this year, and it took a while and a lot of money wasted, to really understand what an iem sounds like from a graph and what I personally like.

It’s the only real way to learn, by listening to them yourself.


im see at bgvp dm9,bgvp phantom,fiio fx15,monarch mkiii,prestige,oracle mkii,audio hekili,kinera nanna 2.1 Z-tune…

I say you should stick to sub 100 usd and get a few different iems to see what you like first.


@leonasj I kind of have to agree with this sentiment; if you ask 10 people’s opinions about the sound of 1 model of IEM, you’ll get 10 different opinions and chances are that they’ll diverge widely because
personal taste and ear anatomy play heavily. I would “start small” before swinging for the fences, and if you can’t buy from somewhere that will allow a reasonable amount of returns, stick to the used market so you can get in and out with minimal loss. Based on what you stated about your preferences here:

I would recommend the Simgot EA1000 as an off-the-cuff option that fits the bill, but you could easily try a couple others first to really dial in what you’re specifically wanting the most or can’t stand before dropping $$$$. If you absolutely, positively have to buy something $$$$, Prestige LTD is probably the safest bet (and you could pass them on with a reasonably small loss if you changed your mind).


Agreed! You can even buy most on Amazon and return them! Try for instance
Salnotes Zero
Salnotes Zero:2
Truthear Zero
Truthear Zero Red
Truthear Hexa

See if you’ve a preference out of those IEMs and can even tell if there’s a big resolution difference between like the Zero and Hexa

Like I don’t want to make this about myself but my journey in this hobby has gone from $50 to $2,500 all the way back down to $220 in terms of IEM preference over the years but I’m guessing like a lot of people here I learned the hard way that more expensive doesn’t mean better for my ears and I think skipping out on the cheaper IEMs these days especially when there’s so many good options like the ones I listed would be a huge mistake
Sorry for that rant. Just my 2c :person_shrugging:t2:

Regardless I hope you find something that you like and enjoy the journey along the way! :smiling_face::+1:


im got epz Q5, for 60eur. its tune and sound tone i like. with stock cable sound poor. but with meze cable sound so far very good. all good,bass,mids ,and bright treble. but no resolution,no details,no imaging,no staging,simply good tune for me. simply like airpods pro 2 is perfect tune for me. Bad Guy Target, Meze Audio RAI Penta, EPZ Q5 - Frequency Responses - Squiglink by Acho Reviews

i like epz q5 sound tone. i have it. like haman bass,and emphized on 2-3khz,5khz,8 khz and 12-15khz curve. so,maybe fx15 is made for me. from thieaudio monarch mkiii i think need more upper mids-treble.

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