IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Such a fun looking set


Cool, mucho fun in Mehico with these two fun toys.

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Iā€™ve got a decent day ahead in the office tomorrow, so I should be able to get at LEAST a couple good hours on each of them for initial impressions but Iā€™ll try to commit some serious thoughts over the weekend.


You got them so fast that they didnā€™t get chance to spell Cincotres correctly :wink:


That was actually confusing me for the longest time and noticed they fixed it on the website a few days ago.

Linsoul intern realises error:


Same here :rofl: So they did misspell the name on the box as well (what about on the actual IEM itselfā€¦). Itā€™s quite the tongue twister, had me really puzzled.


Actual IEM has always been correct, it even showed that the description was misspelled when they first put up the page lol. Itā€™s an oversight across 2-3 languages, I wouldnā€™t hold it against them too badlyā€¦

Edit: They also sound pretty great, so thereā€™s that.


It may even work in their favour, everyone remembers ā€œoppotty and driamsā€ :slightly_smiling_face:


And if they fix the box for later units, early adopters get a collectorā€™s item!

Iā€™ve got a lot more listening to do, but the Cincotres and Doscinco are basically what everyone expected; your choice really boils down to ā€œhow do you want your bass, fam?ā€. The bass quality is on par either way, but the Doscinco has more emphasis on the lowend (which will draw your attention in a track) where the Cincotres is much more balanced overall. Still a little boosted maybe, but more of a neutral tuning. The difference isnā€™t really huge on most tracks though, I would think it redundant to own both tbh (and I scooped both mainly as an experiment, Iā€™ll be getting othersā€™ ears on these later so we have more impressions). Itā€™s almost like HD600 vs HD650 (although more of a lowend lift in comparison), if they both had better extension on the top and bottom. It kinda seems like thereā€™s a little extra emphasis on the highs on the Doscinco to try and balance out the lowend boost, pushing the mids back a bit in the mix as a result. Technically, they seem on par with each other although the Cincotres obviously comes through a bit cleaner and more effortless. Dynamics are good, nothing earth-shattering but good. I donā€™t know if these qualify as ā€œgiant killersā€ but as general use IEMs in their price range, I donā€™t think anything else on the market can really match these unless you want a specific tuning or config. Both are safe tunings, and both are enjoyable and immersive; it just comes down to what you want out of them. Soundstage is decent, maybe a bit narrow but natural enough with some depth. Imaging is solid. Between the two so far, I think I prefer the Cincotres a bit more but Doscinco is what would appeal to Western ears the most.


Okay thatā€™s good to see at least :laughing:. Thanks for your impressions, glad to hear that they sound great :+1: I think that for my listening preferences (EDM), I have made the right choice with the Doscinco.


Crin talking smack about Simgot on twitter the same day this thing shows up on linsoulā€¦

Better sounds good, itā€™s ugly af.


tweet for reference:



Bro, lmao

Itā€™s funny because all his collabs have been mid so far


While the timing is pretty hilarious, Crinacle is absolutely the first guy to say that you should never trust him because of conflicts of interest and opinions are opinions (I really disagree with him on the Simgot DDs but Iā€™m not Harman-affixed like he is so :man_shrugging:). As long as it comes in at a decent price, with decent QC and good sound, I welcome it. I also donā€™t think itā€™s that hideous, but Iā€™m pretty open as far as designs go.

I tend to agree based on the ones I have had, but I have still never gotten my hands on a Dawn (and at the new price, I never will haha). Secondhand units have always seemed impossible to get, too.


Can someone help me understand how a single DD can have a crossover?


Itā€™s not that uncommon AFAIK; you may still have to attenuate certain peaks based on the single driver and enclosure. Think of it like using EQ or DSP to treat a null or peak for a subwoofer in your room. It is usually accomplished with filters and foams and the like, but can also be done with crossover components. If I had to guess, the KARS is probably just a fancy name for a notch filter.


With all due respect to Crin, his collabs bore the hell out of me, just like KZā€™s line up. Theyā€™re all the same flavor of vanilla ice cream with some differences in the recipe along the way.

It obviously works for lots of folks, his name attached makes a difference for sure, but Iā€™d like to read something different than ā€œ Tuned to Crinacleā€™s tonal signatureā€¦ā€.


But isnā€™t the definition of a crossover splitting the frequency to multiple drivers? I can see how the method for accomplishing that could be used on a single driver as you described. Feels weird to call it a crossover though when in reality itā€™s a filter


Yeah, Crossover becomes a misnomer when used on a single driver, but the same materials and concepts apply. ā€œAttenuation deviceā€ would be more literally accurate in this case. Thereā€™s a fair number of single-driver, full-range speakers that do this and I think they typically call it a ā€œfilterā€ rather than a crossover.


Shots fired! (but yeah I agree lol)