IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

And much like Moondrop Single-DD offerings, how many times can you go the well without just decreasing the price or managing improvement of intangibles enough for people to care unless they just got into the hobby? But hey, if it sells, it sells!


I guess if you call it a filter it didnā€™t sound as revolutionary

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Gotta have that marketable gimmick language! Crossover probably also sounds more familiar to your average Chi-Fi Enthusiast where Filter (despite likely being the exact same thing in this case) has a more unusual or derogatory connotation, as it conjures images of ā€œfixingā€ things or masking those wonderful intangibles (DIYers and speakerheads as well as engineers understand that filters are just a tool like anything else). While technically-minded Audiophiles would actually be happier with ordinary, specific nomenclature for parts and just saying what components were used, like you say, there is nothing sexy about it like there is for exotics. Well, not for most peopleā€¦
EDIT: It has also been surmised that they may be using something like a Helmholtz Resonator to achieve whatever ā€œKiwiears Acoustic Resonance Systemā€ is accomplishing rather than a filter, but that makes it odd that they would even mention a crossover in the description. Well, someday weā€™ll know for sure.


This is supposedly the graph. Gamechanger tuning


LOL - it literally looks like standard Simgot tuning.

So heā€™s releasing a Simgot-esque single DD IEM, and conveniently this is the time for him to announce that all of Simgotā€™s single DD IEMā€™s are mid?

Nothing sketchy thereā€¦


Not seeing the Simgot tuning here:

Itā€™s his version of Neutral with bass boost but this time without a bass tuck.


If it follows Hola tuning, it will have a proper amount of mid-bass for vocals and instruments to sound properly.

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After a solid couple of hours A/Bā€™ing them, I can definitively say that I prefer the Cincotres over the Doscinco. The Cincotres comes off much more natural and better balanced yet still with a substantial lowend when called for. That said, the Doscinco is for sure ā€œthe fun twinā€ and definitely where you should be looking if you want a basshead set. Not necessarily an ā€œI like bassā€ set, but basshead or basshead-leaning because that bottom end, she is PHAT. Both of them are worthy contenders for anyone looking in that ~$250 price range though, just different flavors.


Itā€™s basically Harman 2019v2, tldr the RED with more mid-bass



Graphs meh
Looks meh
Average venting system

Yeah, simgot is gonna be fine.


Def not as shouty as Harman 2019v2 target. For example, I found an IEM like Olina SE too shouty, especially at higher volume.

Red sounded great without the resistance adapter but a bit too thin for me. With the 10 Ohm adapter it sounded a bit too muffled.




How is it?

i am really enjoying the musicality of the set. I wont say its the most resolving or with micro details but what it brings to the table is a cohesive musical presentation leaning towards a warmish sq. The treble extension is adequately airy. As i donā€™t listen to vocals i really canā€™t comment on the mids. I found the stage to be adequately wide and tall. These are just initial impressions as i need to spend more time with them.


Was almost ready to buy after several positive reviews on head-fi, but the graph from Akros looks a bit scary (:

It doesnā€™t sound like the graph to me.

Basshead set!!


A new look is coming to TANGZU, called Xuanwu Gate, it uses 1DD+4BA+2EST driver configuration. See you on this Friday.


Yeah Akros said they donā€™t sound like they graph, and Iā€™ve seen some people saying they wouldā€™ve liked 10-15% more bass. Donā€™t wanna start the big area discussion again, but could the 6mm bass have something to do with this? Iā€™m too dumb to understand that stuff, but I really enjoy reading when the experienced guys share their knowledge. :+1:


2x6mm in Penon 10th Anniversary sound very bassy to my ears for example.