IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Might be interesting for some in here
Nice move from unique melody :sunglasses::+1:t2:


Indeed! Looking at that graph would suggest the sub bass rumble would shake your pants off. I just dont hear that as it could be that i am not using the stock cable nor the stock tips.

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Buff this…how about fix my Mest instead :speech_balloon:

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Shipping high priced IEM`s to and back from China sounds like fun. High shipping costs and trouble with customs. Guess this service only makes sense for chinese people.

There’s also a US mail address so I assumed they’ll have a small workshop or something similar in the states but no idea to be honest :man_shrugging:t2:

iFi Xbass will bring that sub bass rumble out in spades on the Neo 3. It will be like a nice ear massage.


I don’t even have the words to describe how dumb I think this is but rock on bro

Edit: sorry man this is just like the 6th time I saw this, I remember seeing you first about it but I guess other people saw you and started parroting

It’s like with all those Taylor Swift jet jokes, like I get the point man lol

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How much is that gonna cost me because I want it

It’s not all about the quantity of bass on graph but also the “speed” of the driver and the enclosure.

I have a similar set that I find doesn’t sound like it graphs: Acoustune RS One.


That looked like an interesting set to be a while back. How does the experience differ from the graph?

Strange bit of kit :thinking:

It graphs like an un-dampened V shape mess a la KZ, but the way I hear is more DF neutral with bass boost.

The bass graphs like muddy but in reality because it’s fast bass it does sound really clean. The flip side is that it lacks impact and the sub-bass roll off is real.

As for the upper mids and treble, it’s not shouty or thin, nor it is sibilant in any way. Well balanced imo. I find sets like Olina SE to be too bright for example.

As a matter of fact, after ABing with Vulkan, I found some issues on Vulkan with the treble sounding tinny with bad timbre.

There is a decent amount of details but it does feel like it is coming from the tuning (boosted upper treble) and not from purely better driver.

The fit and build are great. The cable is decent.
For $100-$150, it’s a great pick imo, versatile and easy to daily.


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I just did AB test the RS One against HeartMirror Pro and the one thing is I’ll say is that when listening to RS One music feels natural and the HM Pro feels like I’m listening to some IEMs.

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Damn, that’s a lot to pay for EQ :rofl:

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Who in here has listened to the Kinera Plutus Beast and Variations?

I haven’t spent a lot of time with em critically so I can’t say I’ve fully heard it to its best but man these things are pretty clean, they’re not like super crazy detailed treble wise but I’m genuinely floored by em like these are sick lol

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Listening to Variations + Tempotec V3 while typing this (for the electronic and female vocals portion of my library it is awesome), also interested in the Plutus Beast.

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It took me like a week before I really fell in love with Variations, it’s special to me now, the female vocals are just absolutely amazing

The plutus beast is a really cool experience to me as I’ve never heard a BC before, it never gives me a headache or feels too much. I’m surprised by the highs of it, it does come off artificially on some songs but that’s to be expected considering what they’re trying to do

I have been in the shadows of this hobby for a bit now. Trying to avoid impulsive purchases, knowing I had something unique on the way

Currently have something very special on the way
It started off as a 1 of 1 unit; a personal retune of DTE900, but may well become its own, unique product
Configuration is now 2DD (2xDTE900 DD, in a cone-to-cone ‘isobaric’ config), 6 Knowles BA and 4 Sonion ESTs

No name yet as the tuning is still up for debate
If I deem it worthy, I will be sending it out to two fellow gentlemen @Leonarfd and @ErKil for testing!

Original DTE900 you can see in green. Also corresponds relatively well with TDM’s graph of it in 1-1 settings

Red is then the retuned version I am waiting for!

Design is obviously my own custom, but I am quite fond of the result! Rumors say they change from blue to purple, and from red to orange in person :smile:

Needless to say, I look forward to hearing it, and fingers crossed it ends up how I hope!
Thank you all for reading and have a great day or night, wherever you are


I like the look of that red line (and those shells)!