IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Yeah those shells are gorgeous

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A very good solution for a shell. Prado shell with new configuration and new FR. This is going to be a bomb knowing how good the DTE900 OG is.
giphy (2)


Yeah…both shell colors are both deep and vibrant, very nice!

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Well it has been a while since I have treated myself for a new set of IEMs. I have decided to say fuck it, and get the Simgot EA1000 as my next set at some point, for lately the current rotations that I have with me, has been a bit dull and all samey to me at the moment.

I am also contemplating selling my Heydays for lately I haven’t been using them a lot, though I still use my 2 Simgot IEMs, particularly the EA500 and EM6L.

I don’t know when though, probably the best if I can get the EA1000s on 11.11 or any sale that is coming as long as I have the money.


Have anyone tried the Craft Ear The One? Have been looking at getting them as CIEM.

Anyone tried the Campfire Audio Cascara?
Hiw does it compare with
Meze Advar
Senn ie600
Dunu Zen
Fiio FD7

Which are amongst my fave DD iems

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It will be an interesting comparison, but hardly anyone has them all. Maybe in terms of sound profile it will be closer to Advar, if some reviews are to be believed. Looks like an interesting IEM, but the price is high for a single DD and low to expect a lot of technicality, IMO.


you better list EA1000 if you’re going 11.11, we got 9 months before it so god knows how many sets will appear that will make you forget you had EA1000 as a goal lol


Hahahaha. No doubt.

We – me included – will have guzzled about 15 Flavor of the Week IEMs before the next 11.11 sale. Some models that are hot sh*t right now will be forgotten in eight months.


Its interesting because I feel like how quickly it’s forgotten is dependent on the sites you most frequent. Here things are moving at breakneck speeds whereas I still see folks reccing Variations, Aria and B2 Dusk over on Reddit and while those sets are good, its hard to argue that those are the best in their price range still


I wonder if its because people on reddit are only parroting what others are saying and they themselves dont actually own them. It certainly is drastically different over there than here, head-fi or discords.


Reddit in a nutshell


That’s definitely it except most of my recs are stuff I did own, apart from EA500 or Hexa which to me are safe recs. I never rec Vari though, the mid scoop is killer and I’m glad I love it.

Hexa is curious to me, some people see it as an eye opening divine iem but others just call it vanilla. Great but boring, I gotta hear it soon

Recommending Aria should be a crime at this point


The other problem with Reddit is it’s too easily astroturfed. A company for instance mooodrop can just make a comment recommending their iem and then pay pennies for enough upvotes to make that top comment


Yeah, reddit is a dumpster fire.


I swear they’re sponsored by sennheiser. Massive 6** series circlejerk.


It’s been on my list for a long time now, though please, feel free to remind of the new sets that are coming soon that might or will trump the EA1000 when it comes to the sound signature, tuning, value and technicalities, for I am open to try some other brands as well.

I wanted to go back to a more neutral sound signature or a balanced one for I have been using a lot of IEMs that are in the realm of having a V or U-shape, and a refresher might be a good chance to spark my interest on this hobby again. For real it has been a while.


We’ve to run into one yet but considering Simgot’s track record, high chance they’ll cannibalize EA1000 with some other release soon lol

I still haven’t settled on what I’m grabbing from em


I think it’s easy to forget how much bigger and more mainstream Reddit is, and therefore how much less engaged the audience is. The average user there buys maybe 1 set a year. That’s why you get outdated recs, because those are the last good sets people there bought.

If you only paid attention to Head-Fi and here you’d think Simgot are selling like hot-cakes, but I’m willing to bet that all of their recent releases haven’t sold nearly as much as the B2 Dusk alone.


Literally everyone in the audio sub reddit’s own either the Beyerdynamic 770 or 990 pro.