IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Hmm I own dt770 pro, maybe I should convert over to reddit :thinking:

Always been the same there, be away a year and they still reccomwnd the same over and over.


Summit-fi training on Mount Beyer

J/K! :handshake:


Aria is still being recced on Reddit…


I started my journey on Reddit, and Cringe at it daily. They just parriot what Crin says. To go against Crin means you’ll get downvoted.


I sure hope you’re not talking about r/inearfidelity the whole place that’s basically where the mainstream crin fans are lol.

I mean what else would you expect otherwise lol

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I was referring to the r/headphones subreddit. As I see it as the main “audiophile” subreddit there.


Oh I hide from those guys lol, I use em for speaker recommendations then found out I’m too broke to get into that hobby fully.

Well that and I need space

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Swan M10 is my rec and is what i have used for a decade.

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The m10 plus? I’ll add it to the list, I’m trying to find my old list but my Amazon wishlist got deleted so I’m starting over

No, i got the OG “M10”. I know Zeos raved about the newer plus though.

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Alright gotcha, I was looking into Elac, JBL 305P Mk2 or Kali LP-6 but i like how Swans look

Then I had the genius idea of buying used IEMs and before I knew it I spent the same money I balked about even considering using for speakers lol

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I remember hearing good things about some presonus eris (forgot the model but was around 200-300 usd).

But yeah, iems and bud value are much better than speakers.

Oh holy crap I forgot about that one too lol, thanks for that yeah I gotta find it. It was like Eris 4 or something

Yeah IEMs are such good value I’ve recklessly spent money on em. The reason I ended up in IEMs fo begin with was because the next upgrade for my edition XS was basically Arya or higher so I figured I’d revisit this hobby.

It’s so much different compared to when I was in high school rocking out to skullcandys lol

Consider trying earbuds if you like headphones (and speakers).


I’ve been looking into them and I only got one question, how come a lot of the best stuff don’t have removable cables?

I’m willing to buy em but I’m also an ogre and known to have broken many IEM cables due to clumsiness so I’m worried about buying a nice set of earbuds and somehow destroying em

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Because it is a lot harder to tune with them in mind and 2pin is just too big to make it work well in terms of fit/comfort.

Most people dont break them since buds are pretty much home-only use, unlike iems where you use them outdoors.

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I gotcha thanks for the answer, I’ve always wondered about it and never got around to knowing who to ask

I’ll definitely buy one for home use once I get around to it. I’m so used to bringing em outside, I forgot I could just have a set for home only.

After I financially recover from my purchases, ill look into earbuds since I wanna know how it is compared to IEMs

On aliexpress there are some interesting earbuds and with mmcx cables.

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There’s an earbud with tungsten coated driver, which can be interesting.

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