IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

The Delci are really growing on me with more listening time. While my favorite, the Aful MagicOne, still has better separation and imaging and more neutral, smooth tonality, the Delci has better bass (especially sub-bass) and treble that is ample without going overboard. The Delci are more fun than the MagicOne with bass-oriented music, such as EDM, soul, disco, hip-hop. I’m REALLY enjoying Jose James’ EXCELLENT new album, 1979, with the Delci, while I enjoy alt-country, bluegrass, Americana and mellow rock more with the MagicOne.

Rock is kind of a toss-up right now. Depends on what you value more in that genre. The rhythm section (bass, drums) is better on the Delci because of its superior bass. Guitars, keys and vocals sound a smidge better on the MagicOne to me.

I would describe the Delci sound signature as U-shaped, with the left side (bass) of the U taller than the right (treble). Still, in the best compliment I can pay to an IEM at any price, there’s nothing in the sound signature of the Delci that makes me frown or grimace. Yeah, the sub-bass is a little strong for me for non-bass genres, but hot damn, it’s delicious with stuff like the Jose James album.

Contrast that with the Galileo, which left me wanting more in the treble and less shout in vocals. Or with the EA500 LM, which caused me to wince at least two or three times per song due to the excessive treble and upper mids shout.

Very impressed with the Delci so far, especially for $60. Plus, the cable, case, tips and other accessories included are EXCELLENT for the price, especially when looking at the paucity of included gear with Crin’s Singolo, which goes for $80.


Starting to do some head-to-head comparisons today with a variety of music with my two new toys, the Kefine Delci and the CCA Trio.

​Full disclosure: I’m a listener who places tuning and timbre above technicality. I’ll take musical cohesiveness over the last ounce of detail every damn day. I like warm-neutral tuning.

Knowing that, it didn’t take more than an hour of comparative listening for the Delci to emerge as the colt pulling away in this two-horse field.

As I noted earlier in this thread, the Delci has a delicious musicality. Sub-bass is a bit more than I prefer, but it does get intoxicating after a while. The bass doesn’t eclipse the mids, and the treble is ample but not excessive. These are REALLY impressive for a $60 set, especially with the ample included accessories.

The Delci are good with every genre for me, but they truly shine with more bass-emphasized genres. Hip-hop, EDM, soul, disco, funk.

I’m in a band, and I know how instruments sound in a live or rehearsal studio setting. Overall, the tuning and timbre of the Delci sound correct. Excellent note weight, which is important to me.

The Delci sounds “right.” And as I said earlier, the sound flowing into my ears and brain in the Delci never has caused me to wince or grimace once. No fatigue. Yet not muddy or too warm.

Super impressed.

Now for the Trio. If you like colder, more edgy sets like the EA500 LM or other Simgot offerings, you will like the tuning of the CCA Trio. I think the treble is too sharp and too hot at the UUUU switch setting. I changed it to UUDD, and that helped.

The Trio lacks refinement and note weight compared to the Delci. Its timbre sounds a bit thin and metallic to my ears, regardless of switch position.

In an earlier world, the Trio would be an easy recommendation. It sounds good. You’ll really like it if you like that detailed, crisp Simgot sound, and the switches work. The included tips also work – I didn’t need to roll to third-party tips.

But I doubt I’m hopping on the Trio Train. Their timbre just doesn’t work for me, especially when the lush, rich, fun Delci are sitting right next to me, calling me like a lusty girl in dimly lit bar with full lips coated in cherry-red lipstick.

Maybe more impressions to come!


Well said, my fellow Syracusan. :grin: And a fellow musician too! I think I might need to get a Delci now. I just ordered the Trio on a whim when the price dropped to $20 on Ali. I’m still waiting for it to arrive . $20 for a decent iem. I spent $21 on a burger yesterday :rage:

I’m holding out to see the reviews of the DaVinci. Timmy’s piqued my interest in these vs other recent sets. Although, the Project Ace looks interesting…hmmmmm…


Can confirm the EW200 is in a stable and working condition following a brutal washing machine and tumble dry cycle on high heat. Cable did sadly sustain 3rd degree burns but I’d like to see the Sennheiser HE-1 survive that, hah! another W for the $50 audiophile squad, let’s go…


After the various low-key hyping he did, DMS finally made a Mega5EST video. Curioser and curioser


Reviewers seem to be really torn on this one. @ToneDeafMonk and his gang really didn’t care for it. It’s a head scratcher


I’m fairly certain there have been multiple iterations of the Mega5-EST. The blue one DMS has in the video, which is the newest version. Got to wonder whether TDM got the new or old version :thinking:


Pretty sure TDM reviewed the same anniversary edition.


Pretty sure TDM is the only person I’ve seen who didn’t like the revised edition of the Mega5EST.

It is what it is, ultimately it’s subjective isn’t it.


After this video - the amount of ‘looking to buy’ ads on Head-fi for what was a completely overlooked on release IEM skyrocketed… :joy::joy: :joy:

Consensus v Conformity is always interesting to watch in divergent decision making involving social identity within a crowd.


More interesting when someone says a person and his posse’ team , friends all thought a particular way.

One of the many reasons folks think this is a a fucking hustle because you can almost predict who will like what and it seems unrelated to music by very related to other things.

Can I get a list of the posse so I can observe longer and deeper?
Asking for a friend…j/k////asking for the whole fucking hobby (the Buyers)


Two sides of the same coin rubbing each other in a virtuous circle:
How buyers react to social circle
How social circle react to reviewers
How reviewers react to sellers
How sellers react to buyers

Like everything motivations are key…
I don’t like to attribute malice to what can be explained by human nature - it’s just interesting to see groupthink and crowd psychology taking place virtually. There are plenty of genuine people in the hobby, even if some are quieter than others. And even the most genuine sometimes show bias as we are all fallable…
The test is the regularity of that bias and the degrees of fanaticism it is pursued with - same as on the other side the willfull ignorance that can be displayed for comfort.

I just enjoy observing social behaviour - and the fact that it’s 420 doesn’t help that

(may your day be filled with food, laziness and good music)

Though @hawaiibadboy - you make salient points about the dirty side of that coin that in this hobby are impossible to ignore as they are often so brazen. And if you get hold of that list - pass it on… if only - no sorry - ESPECIALLY - for the shits n giggles :joy:


200w (27)

Happy 420 brother




Happy 420 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :green_heart:


I own the Monarch MK3 and MEST MK2. I enjoy the MEST for its fun, holographic presentation, especially with Rock, and POP. The Monarch for more vocal, laid back, better mixed, and mastered music. I’m curious where the Mega5est falls. Does it offer anything more, Does it do anything better than the MEST and Monarch? Or should I save my money? Cheers.


Just saw someone saying they prefer IO Volare to the MMK3, I’m interested to see how other people like that set

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Looks like I’m one of a growing number of people who digs the Delci. So does Dave from Audio-In Reviews, who does a great job with his reviews and whose production values are OFF THE DAMN CHARTS:


Delci is bad ass. I love it. I have a lot review coming in about a day.


Eager to see it!

Glad you dig. The Delci is warm. It’s bassy. But it’s not overpowering, not a bass howitzer. And it’s just so damn fun and musical.