IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Poll for the room, would this level of channel imbalance be noticable to you?

From my experience of sets Iā€™ve enjoyed and then had graphed, no.


Same as @rattlingblanketwoman , I donā€™t believe I could discern that with my hearing. Especially up that high.


Your left and right ears handle sound differently

Scientists have discovered that the left and right ears process sound differently. The right ear responds more to speech and logic while the left ear is more tuned in to music, emotion and intuition. Scientists believe itā€™s because speech is processed primarily in the left hemisphere of the brain, while music (and other creative functions) are processed in the right hemisphere.

This may explain why those with greater hearing loss in the left ear may have trouble understanding friends and familyā€™s emotional issues while those who have greater hearing loss in the right ear seem to lose some of their ability to sort things out.

Your brain doesnā€™t even use both ears in same wayā€¦according to Science.

Peopleā€™s left and right ears are never the same.Each has their own and distinct hearing abilities, reflecting, in fact, the functional asymmetry of our brain. The sounds coming from the right ear are processed by the left cerebral hemisphere and vice versa.


So yeahā€¦everything in this hobby is coping. Every. Single. Thing.

And thatā€™s okay, itā€™s just time to be more honest about it


I donā€™t know: Theyā€™re not in my ears.

Sorry to be a smartass, but no graph ever will replicate what we hear with our brains and ears. Those are the ultimate arbiters.

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Definitely. Iā€™m very sensitive to channel (im)Balance. 1dB is very noticeable to my ears.

I donā€™t think so, I think my UP might be imbalanced but I honestly just force my brain to make em equal

Yo this is wild lol I never knew this. Iā€™m going to do some more research on this because I have a severe imbalance with my ears, my right ear is probably at least 7-9 dB lower in receiving volume than my left + itā€™s more muffled. Interesting stuffā€¦


yep my ears are definitely not the same. This also helps explain brain burn in a bit. It likely takes a while for your brain to calibrate the signal differences.


have you tried hydrogen peroxide? it could just be clogged


LOL Dude, your right ear (If Iā€™m reading this sheet correctly) has the frequency response of your typical Kinera IEM :sweat_smile: Thatā€™s super cool, though. I need to visit an Audiologist to get something like this done.

Nah, man, trust me, Iā€™ve had issues with my ears since I was born. Iā€™ve probably written about it at length over the last 2 years so I wonā€™t bog down the thread here. Itā€™s a lot more than just being clogged, I have permanent hearing loss in my right ear thatā€™s pretty severe and a little bit with my left ear as well. At this point, the only way to possibly fix it, would be to go under the knife and even with that there is no guarantee. Iā€™ve come to terms with it over the years. It is what it is.


Heā€™s not trying to change his hair colourā€¦if you have any ear channel problems then get them professionally checked then either micro vacuumed or syringed.


syringe is dangerous. I think part of my ear damage was caused by that actually.


Modern day professional syringing techniques should be 100% safe, Iā€™ve had both syringing and micro vacuuming many times with absolutely no problem.



Yes, I didnā€™t want to get in the weeds of it, but It is not recommended to go in and just flush your ears with peroxide at home. Diluting it with water is definitely what you want to do with a syringe and even then, itā€™s risky because of the insane pressure that syringe creates. Iā€™ve had my ears professionally cleaned at a Drs. office and the experience absolutely sucks because of the intense noise and discomfort, not to mention I was nauseous for about 3 hours afterwards because of how badly it threw off my equilibrium. I had some earwax build up in there just due to the years of IEM use, but it wasnā€™t enough to cause the major imbalance I have.

To explain further if anyone cares


, itā€™s due to me being born with fluid in both ears and estuation tubes that were not draining that fluid properly. It caused countless ear infections/aches due to the fluid pushing up against the backside of my ear drum from the ages 4-7. My right eardrum has ruptured probably 5-6 times now in my life, with the last one happening just last month actually. My left ear has ruptured probably 2-3 times now, with the last one happening out of no where last year around August. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life and I had to drive my self to the ER. While I was there, the pressure was just too much and the left ear drum ruptured at the Doctors office and while it absolutely killed in terms of pain, it relieved all the pressure.

I have scar tissue on both my ear drums thatā€™s essentially irreversible. Last time I was at the Drs. in August of 23ā€™, I did get to speak to an actual ear doctor and he let me know that there could be a solution to getting some of my hearing back, but it would require a proper surgery with anesthesia and all that. I, like most Americans, canā€™t afford proper health care so I opted to just not go back and continue to live with it as Iā€™ve done for the last 20+ years. One day, Iā€™ll give it shot for sure. Just now is not the right time.


you should try micro vacuuming, its so much better. I got a cleaning right before that ear test so they were squeaky clean!

As for home syringing. I have done it twice now and yeah I definitely donā€™t recommend it. I wasnā€™t really too worried about damage but it made me so nauseous and only worked the one time where my ear was really blocked.

One time I went to urgent care and they just straight up used a spray bottle in my ear! Compared to that the baby syringe I used was nothing.


I have actually never heard of micro vacuuming so Iā€™ll definitely look into that! If youā€™re saying itā€™s more comfortable than the syringe method, I am all for it! Iā€™ll probably never do that again lol

The Urgent care did the same thing to me, they did some solution to soften up the wax in the ears first (which was weird by it self due to being literally deaf for about 10 minutes and hearing crackling noises the entire time, totally freaked me out) and then the nurse came in with this huge bulb pump and filled it up with a water and peroxide solution and she justā€¦ Destroyed my ears hahaha all the credit to em, it worked and my ears must of been sparkling clean after that.

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Iā€™d say yes more comfortable but tbh syringing has never been that uncomfortable for me, one other thing you only need to use Otex or olive oil the night before micro vacuuming where as syringing needs a few days for the best results

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I didnt need to do anything before or after when I got mine suctions. imo its a lot better than syringe but I also get extremely motion sick so the syringe hits me hard. They also had a little microscrapper with the suction and the suction had a camera so I could watch them scrapping it haha. it tickled but was never uncomfortable