IEM discussion thread (Part 2)


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This is how i imagine you and your brain “enjoying” the imbalance :laughing:


I mean thinking out loud again so check me if anything sounds off but since the filters are digitally created in HQplayer why not just stick a primary brick wall type filter at different FR (eg 19khz) to negate that upper limit when testing the relevant filters under ABX. You could recreate this for different hearing limits (sex & age related) at different SPL to give a view as to whether filters create differences in a more specific manner to the viewer. Probably good to also consider actual commercial DAC filters (if not actual physical DACs) and their commercial regularity in addition to the theoretical edge case filter, so to give a more relatable result base.

Problem is I am still not sure this tells us anything about DAC discernability(particularly when under spec) (is it only for toddlers and ear freaks, can people train to hear, etc…) & how that relates to described differences in how discernability has occurred… (Especially if current attributed differences are locked in this additional higher frequency information). Queue comments on phase accuracy… But again we hit questions as to whether these are audible (they don’t appear to be, especially in our favourite subject matter IEMs).

At the moment all we learn here is that Goldensound has potentially excellent hearing… And I sort of hoped for a bit more


I recently had hearing loss due to a severe infection of my inner ears, but after meds it cleared up back to normal. Very low db and muffled etc. Since ive experienced that I can empathize now with folks who have those issues. Edit: Correction middle ear I think. Basically the part thats connected to the tubes to your mouth etc.

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I feel for you, I was born with nearly same condition it seems, had surgery at six and they put helper wedges to coax my eustachian tubes to grow open instead of closed… although that worked, still a lifetime of vertigo, balance issues, random nausea because of the fluid imbalance.
I remember the long needle used to puncture the eardrum to get it to drain…that sucked every time. Of course that is considered barbaric by today’s standards.
I do hope you can eventually get the surgery.


absolutely me yeah, I don’t have money otherwise to get everything fixed lol so my brain needs to get duped

been waiting for the tribrid or quadbrid from Simgot and DaVinci that my brain’s going on overdrive now

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Supermix could be good.


I am a huge fan of the Fiio KA17 … For $150, it can push 650mW per channel balanced (4.4) with both high gain and desktop mode on. It could replace my desktop sources easily ( OK, maybe not the tubes ).

That is high praise, I love the R1, and think it is the best thing under $100, EA500LM included.

As for the right vs left ear thing. I have noticeably better direction finding with my right ear. Nice to know there is like a weird way to explain it.


thx guys ended up going with shanling ua4 as per donglemadness toplist. I should probably pick up another during a sale as backup so will keep those in mind.

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Fun fact: In certain states of India they use luke warm mustard oil to put in the ear canals and that drains the wax out.


One of the smartest members of the personal audio community.
I swung at that softball pitch you threw about the 20Khz and the controls etc
200w (31)

( you only brushed the surface of one of the more brazen and f’d up vids I have ever seen.)
I typed up a stormof a reply and it got deleted cuz I closed browser on phone and tried to pick it up on PC for images and it’s gone.


The biggest troll of this hobby started to sell EQ presets for 10 dollars. :joy:

He is shameless :see_no_evil:


Also he shaved his head to improve the audiophile experience :headphones:


What is Crin doing now?

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You are far too kind. Hifiguides seems to attract a knowledgeable audience who are happy to riff & engage in more detailed conversations and I am all for it.

But truely disappointed that we didn’t get to read that response…


I don’t know if there is any higher praise I could give to an earphone than saying that it made me love music that previously just did not click with me with all other sets. Even though I tried to love it a lot.

And Twilight makes me love basically everything I throw at it*

First it was Joy Division - Closer album as a whole. Hated that a lot before, it was just boring to me.

Now it is The Clash - London calling. What a stellar album it is with a banger followed with another banger.
I tried to listen to it plenty of times in the past and it worked for me partially only on stereo setup.
I put it on yesterday again after very enjoying session with guitar heavy Spoon - They Want My Soul LP

London Calling title song got me.

Spanish Bombs blew me away.

Lost in The Supermarket was singalong session already.

Then bass line of Guns of Brixton got me full body goosebumps.

I heard the opinion that Twilight is boring or non-exciting. For me it is anything, but that. Really can’t convince myself to loose any time with them, by placing anything else in my ear instead <3

*or maybe looking at the music mentioned I just came to an age of middle aged rebel man


The greatest album of all time – “London Calling” – with headphones that turn you on. That’s bliss, brother!



Probably one of the first punk rock music I really love. Though I believe some people would say it is not true punk music :person_shrugging:

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Basically spawned all punk derivatives after it lmao

The Clash were a great ROCK band, period. They were such more than punk. “London Calling,” “Sandinista” and “Combat Rock” had such command of an array of styles.

Most bands would give their left nut to play their primary style as well as The Only Band That Mattered played about four or five different styles. Punk, hard rock, reggae, funk, etc.