IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Punk music? My ass! :slight_smile:


The wife and I just finished watching Fallout,really rad series if anyone follows the video game. Just solid in general and the wife actually enjoyed it. But,this scene made my night. Hope everyone is have a good weekend🤙


We finished it last night too, and I was almost shocked that I hadn’t seen memes on this already.

I have played most of the games, but my wife hadn’t played any of them ( she doesn’t like the mid-century american design ) and she enjoyed the show ( she is a sci-fi fan ).


Such a stellar series. My wife was the same. Just has seen me play all the games and then said something to her about watching it. She’s more of a Bravo tv gal. We watched the first episode and she enjoyed it. Now she can’t wait for the second season!


Tuning rant :smile:…


I was in total agreement with him. I watched the video last night. Crin’s preferred tuning is too bright for my tastes, and my library.


I just bought the Creative Aurvana Ace 2 for the office. Honestly not bad. It has multipoint BT, bass is nice and punchy, vocals are forward and treble is there.
ANC is okay for background noise but not great at reducing voices and it introduces some white noise.
Pretty happy so far.


Any impressions on that Xmems tweeter?

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I’ve listening for a few days at work. I’ll have to do some more critical listening but I’ve been very busy these past few weeks.

AĂźR Audio Aehta arrived last day, thought I share some here also.

Haven’t had that much time yet, but I can say I really like this. No need to brain adjustment, liked it from first track. Biggest surprise to me is how clear and resolving it is, quite certain this is the most transparent and technical model from AüR.

I know some dont like switches, but they work so well here. Being able to go from a more neutral bright tuning 011 to a bassy L shaped signature 100 is awesome, makes it very versatile.

Also photos with size comparison against some other AĂźR models: Aehta - Ascension - Aurora - Alita


This is the one most on my radar, anxious to read more impressions!

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Vision Ears VE7/VE8

Damn you VE8, why are you that pretty :roll_eyes:

I needed to know if any of these two can compete with Cadenza 12…for me they can not and are missing that wow factor that you would expect for that price🤑

Last contender on my list for now is Custom Art Fibae7u

Switched to BTR15 now after listening to R6III and Zen Dac v2 and both seem to react very positive to BTR15´s transparency and become much more lively/ear tickling


dropped a quick review on the Symphonium Titan
Spolier alert: This is my new favorite IEM


And we’re back…


Creative Aurvana Ace 2 TWS first impressions:
My first thought will be about the bass. The good: emphasis on sub-bass provides deep reaching rumbly sub-bass. This is very satisfying and great for hip-hop and pop. The bad: the tuning lacks mid bass which makes music sound flat and lacking bass impact. Bass guitar in rock music is pretty much non existent not even in impact but in SPL as well. In classical music, cellos were difficult to hear even.

The vocals are pretty neutral, maybe recessed a little bit but it didn’t bother me or sounded wrong. It’s just not a vocal forward sounding IEM but it may sound vocal forward when the music doesn’t have sub-bass.

The upper treble is safe but not dark and I didn’t experience any sibilance. On graph, the upper treble look rolled-off but it doesn’t sound like that to my ears. Cymbals are nicely presented without being overly sharp or splashy. I believe that the xMems tweeter allows for this tuning; to offer good sub-bass separation without affecting the upper treble negatively (is there a crossover in there?)

Overall, the Aurvana Ace 2 is not as balanced as other IEMs like the Cadenza 4 but it shines by the strong sub-bass and upper treble presence (U shape?) that works really well for hip-hop, pop and some electro genres and minimal vocal music; or any that doesn’t require mid bass.


In fact, I just heard for the first time a very deep sub-bass line in the song “Wavejumper” by Drexcyia. Very cool


giphy (3)

Today i was flooded with goodies
New phone arrived (Vivo x100 Pro taking the pictures)
And also the Grand Maestro himself came for a demo tour backed up by Fiio Q15 and IBasso DC-Elite :star_struck::exploding_head:
Where to start? :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Start with Grand Maestro. :heart_eyes:

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Yes I did, haha!

For whatever it´s woth here are some impressions after a few minutes.

Black module + vocal switch down = bassy, too muffled, vocals not clear/prominent enough
Black module + vocal switch up = much better balanced, sometimes too much (something in between the switch configuration would be perfect imho)

Blue module + vocal switch down = less bassy, sweet spot so far, best balance
Blue module + vocal switch up = too shouty

I know these are some very quick impressions, but do you need much more to get the main idea? In most cases I don´t think so, especially when what the switch is doing is so so evident and in your face.

I like the vocal switch and that you can use it while listening but its just too much, better call it shoutswitch :smiling_face_with_tear:

Blue module + vocal switch down could use a tiny bit more bass for my taste so ideally a module which is between the black and the blue one.