IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

The Trio which I think should be nearly identical to the Vader balanced was amazing in the UUDD configuration. Trio might be one of my favorite budget sets to date. I ordered a Vader balanced since it was $21 just now on Aliexpress, just to see how much the rumored improvements are over the CCA Trio. I have a Vader High Resolution but I didn’t like it that much, too many compromises in the low-mid range of the set to achieve the effect of high resolution. I suppose KZ did note that the High Resolution version would likely not achieve mass appeal, it was not for me, so there is that.

Related to the Trio and Vader balanced, the CCA Hydro is an exciting set as well. Especially when paired with something like a Schiit Vali 2/3. It’s like KZ/CCA mated the Trio and Rhapsody. There was a little bit of initial shock with the retail price but after listening and getting over the initial sticker shock, it spoke for itself and I had no regrets.

I still enjoy the KZ Castor which is a tucked bass set in a similar shell. @thoohil is that the “balanced” version? EDIT- then I re-read your post, and yes it was right in the first line, doh!

Sadly, that graph looks closer to the Doscinco than some of the newer Doscincos that have been coming out lately. Jay put up a graph of Timmy’s and it was different.

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Since KZ has been married to the 8k peak for as long as I remember, it is likely to be due to their shell materials they use which I dont think has really changed over the years, or maybe due to how the shape inside the shells are. This Vader looks like it still uses that cheap “resin” they always use on the inside (although metal faceplate).


800 bucks for that, man, nah I’d just buy a used Mest MK2

Btw we got any clue between the Ziigaat twins and DaVinci match up yet?


Akros’s review of the EM10 is up!


I spent a couple of hours with them today and I like them, even if they are not my preferred tuning. I would probably pick these over the Mest 2 but it is a long time since I listened to the Mest 2.

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Interesting… so they gave it a small lift in the sub bass, cut the 5k peak and gave it a little more treble energy… well shit, that sounds like exactly what I was looking to change on the regular Pilgrim lol


It seems too expensive to me. At this price you can buy a DTE900 and have a TOTL experience and turn your head into a disco. The two are hardly comparable technically.

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I’d honestly buy it but the fact it’s 800 is what I don’t like, I just got the Pilgrim on eBay RN so fingers crossed I like it. Noir looks more like my tuning though but I only had like 320 on my gift card lol

Id probs get Mest MK2 first then look into somehow grabbing a Pilgrim Noir. I’m just hoping I like OG more than Noir but that’s a problem that won’t pop up if I don’t listen to Noir lol

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Let’s add some fuel to the fire: Here’s what happens when DTE900 meets Pilgrim:

giphy (1)
:smiling_face_with_tear: :nerd_face:

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I haven’t heard the DTE900 but a quick glance of the graph would lead me to believe that these are aiming for a completely different experience.


That’s right, but I’m talking about the technical front for the asking price and those drivers :slightly_smiling_face:

Next time Elysian might make a $300 IEM with a $2000 cable and it cost you $2300 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


634ears LOAK2-TX02 Black Persimmon

It arrived, well worth the long wait. This is a small Japanese maker, this model is his new flagship series together with LOAK TX-01 (closed back energetic) and LOAK TX-03 (Open back and brighter)
Been loving his cheaper model Miroak-II for its analoge and warm sound, been one of my favourites for almost a year now.

Sound impressions have to wait on the TX-02, but I really like what I hear.
Love his handwritten note, and the IEM is beutiful. Musashi is a true artisan.


Pilgrim Noir right? since they got a big price delta lol

either way I’m more likely to save up for a Mest MK2, which is wack because I only needed 400 but now I’m down 400 lol

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Yeah it’s annoying they gatekept that tuning by adding an unnecessarily expensive cable


I agree, brilliant marketing decision by them, they’ll clean up in terms of profits, but I am not a fan


You spelled bullshit wrong


It’s an effect audio collab variant though, so obviously it was going to come with one of their cables?