IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Yep that’s what I’m looking at it will probably go now while I’m procrastinating

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Lol…Enjoy man I don’t think they come on the market that often, well not in the UK that is :+1:

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For 11.11, I’m thinking about grabbing a set for EDC with balanced tuning and good isolation for around $100-$250 but hopefully on sale. In mind I have Orch Lite, P5, Phoenixcall, Galileo, P1 Max. Any thoughts or advice? Thanks :pray:


P1 Max, Phoenixcall and P5 are probably the top bets there depending on the specific fineries/genres you need most.


What do you like about Phoenixcall?

I haven’t actually tried it yet, but it seems very popular especially for the money. Paging @GooberBM since I think he had hands-on. Panda (P1 Max) or P5 are probably better all-rounders if that’s what you’re looking for in an EDC.
EDIT: link to his impressions: Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?" - #1237 by GooberBM


Phoenix call has a mild v and technicals done right. I had it in all night and was super enjoyable. It gets a. Lot of flack but I like mine.

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Are male vocals recessed?

I don’t think so. Didn’t notice it last night. I’ll relisten soon and get back to you.

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I listen to a lot of hip-hop

P1 Max and easily mod it to @GooberBM discovery with some Rosefinch filters and micro pore tape. Stock I wouldn’t say P1 Max is idea for Hip-Hop. Modded though sounds nice for it and EDM.

Another option for Hip-Hop that is super fun is Bonus IE and it’s only $20. I’m an old head with hiphop though so might not fair well with modern stuff. Just don’t go expecting crazy techs or a balanced tuning for other genres. Hip-Hop though is NICE on it. Even more if you throw some Type E tips on it.


Hey guys,
props to @Rinderkappajoe and @n00kie for kicking off an IEM tour in Germany. He was so generous to send me 3 sets to experience and measure.

  1. His Retuned Letshuoer x HBB EJ07M Kinda Lava

    Letshuoer Kinda Lava Divinus - Frequency Responses - Squiglink by Harpo
    I love this set, good bass, good mids, good treble, good everything and especially good EST implementation.

The following 2 I only listened to briefly as the package only arrived today and I can’t get the Lavas out :smile:
2. Fiio FH5

  1. Tangzu Zetian Wu

    Squiglink - IEM frequency response database by Harpso

Upcoming tour set to be measured is a squig premiere the Shozy Magma.
So again, a big round of applause to @Rinderkappajoe and @n00kie and if some wants to join let us know.


Thanks a lot for the measurements! :sunglasses:

The Kinda Lava graph might be interesting for @SoundEater and @tea as you guys also have the retuned version with added bass :wink:

And sorry @thoohil for possibly making you a cable believer HA-HA!

Really curious about that Magma graph aswell…that set deserves way more attention! :heart:


Nice! Awesome to see tours kicking off and everyone willing to put trust into people we probably only know via the forum. Spreading our interest for the hobby and ultimately our love for music while putting trust in others.


Studio4 sold.

Sweet! I’ve always wondered how mine looks like when graphed

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Yes, this is one of my favorite IEMs at any price. :ok_hand: :fire:

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Yeah they are pretty recessed. I like the set. The cable and shell are great, very technical sound but recessed vocals. If you eq it’s really lovely but if not, Maybe not the best set.

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Here is how they compare

Seems like we got a near identical Bassshelf/glide as Cadenza12


My review of the Hidizs MP145 is up in my HiFiGuides thread and on my blog.

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