If you want some music on walks with mates

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Those are some big boxes to haul around…the minirigs might actually give it a run for it’s money since they are Omni directional.

That strap on the Bose un clips so can be looped around a backpack strap. I wouldn’t go with headphones turned up. Even nice Headphones like the sundaras will sounds like crap turned up and hung around your neck compared to a little speaker hung on your backpack

Half as much as the Bose. I enjoy my JBL charge 3 for what it is.
JBL CLIP 3 - Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q6ZWMLR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HTWSYAE0J18PX7ERSK7P

I recommend one of these

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