🔷 ifi GO blu BT Dac/Amp

The one I had was the VE Zen LL earbuds, I picked the 3.5mm BAL version instead of the SE not knowing what I was doing.

They were bitten by a pitbul so I dont have them anymore, but I kept the adaptors that were permanently connected to them cause none of my sources had 3.5 balanced out.

3.5 bal to 3.5 se, and 3.5 bal to 4.4 pentaconn

The 3.5mm is not balanced, only the 4.4 is.

Actually Shanling M8 has 3.5mm bal socket.

They call it 3.5mm Pro🤷



Specs and sound aside, it has an actual volume wheel, unlike those atrocious buttons most tiny bt dac/amps have.
Me likey.


that’s a very bad idea. does it auto-detect SE vs Balanced connections automatically?

I think so, the DAP comes with different sockets.

Tbh I don’t really know if it is a bad idea or not.



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Thanks so much for dropping the links!

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just curious anybody heard this unit yet? curious for thoughts once somebody’s had a chance to demo it.

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I should have one for review shortly.


It’s warm, and tubey without tubes ~ how I would describe the sound! Lots of fun to be had.

Im waiting on mine from Linsoul, picked slower delivery lol

I’m pretty sold on buying one of these, I’m mostly just waiting for the first round of reviews, and for them to actually be in stock and such. So yeah, please post whenever any of you forum friends get yours!


My impression is that it’s pretty clean, a good amount of energy to it. Compared to the xCAN, it’s more forward in upper frequencies and more intimate. Perhaps a more realistic stage where the XCAN is more wide / wall of sound style.

I did have a slight issue with drop outs when it was in the opposite pocket of my phone, but that hasn’t happened since the first day using it.

One thing that really surprised me was that the balanced is 4.4, not 2.5. Not bad, just wasn’t expecting that.


How is the xBass on the GO? I had the xCan for a while and really liked it there. Later I heard micro black label and Zen Can. Both bass boost seemed to be much less compared to the xCan.

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Thanks for dropping the first round of feedback here! Looking forward to y’alls impressions as you get them in.

Do come through our Discord if you have not yet: iFi audio

I’d say the Xbass is very well implemented. Very subtle, not over done at all. That being said, I rarely use such features, so I’m probably not the best judge. I can say this is one that I would actually consider using, just because it is so well controlled.

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Any chance You have some measurements from the xBass / xSpace feature? Would like to compare it with the xCan (+15dB low shelf)

I can ask and see if we can share them :slight_smile: