iFi Micro iDSD Signature DAC- 4.4mm to XLR output?

Could I run the 4.4 to XLR Cable I use for my Zen for the iDSD to my G111 or is it a 4.4 for headphones only? Would there be a compromise in SQ and so I’m gonna have to go for the NEO if I want an iFi Balanced DAC that’s an upgrade over my Zen?


you absolutely can. you can have a custom cable made by Hart Cables or use a couple interconnects to convert from one to the other.

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You absolutely can with a custom cable like from Hart has @Marzipan mentioned


hart is run by HFG member @brux

mention you are on HFG and you should get a 10% discount.

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Thanks! I already have a cable I got off Amazon, the next question then becomes what sort of voltage output would come out of that 4.4 jack… A question for the day when I go to upgrade I suppose.

for voltage info, you’d want to look at the spec sheet for the DAC.

from what I see on iFi…the line out is >2v and the headphone out can be as low as 2v and as high as 10v, depending on what performance mode you have it set to perform at.

### Headphone Power Output
Turbo Mode Power (max) 10.0V/4,100 mW
Power (continuous) >1,560 mW @ 64 Ohm
>166 mW @ 600 Ohm
Normal mode Power (max) 5.5V/1,900 mW
Power (continuous) >100 mW @ 300 Ohm
>950 mW @ 32 Ohm
Eco mode Power (max) 2.0V/500 mW @ 8 Ohm
Power (continuous) >250 mW @ 16 Ohm
Dynamic Range (HP) >115dB(A) (Eco Mode, 2V Out)
THD &N (HP 500mW/16R) < 0.008%
Output Voltage (HP) >10V (Turbo Mode)
Output Impedance <1Ω (iEMatch not engaged)
Maximum Output Power 4,100 mW @ 16 Ohm Load
Continuous Output Power 1,000 mW @ 64 Ohm Load
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Jesus christ. 10V. That’s fuckin’ lit

it’s a bit of power, yeah, ain’t it?

@sebastien_chiu_iFi unless I’m having a brain fart, I don’t see the output being labeled for balanced or single ended. balanced usually has higher output capabilities, no?

Yes, usually, but the Signature used our S-balanced setup - it basically means you aren’t losing as much if you don’t use balanced, and the output power is the same.

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@Chifiguy in terms of sound quality, did you notice a significant improvement in using the 4.4-to-XLR vs the RCA output for the signature?

Sorry for the late reply and any confusion but I never owned the signature, only the regular Zen. FWIW didnt notice a difference between 4.4-xlr vs RCA other than volume

The biggest difference is volume output!