iFi Power station

Does anyone has any experience with this power station as iFi call it; is it worth buying?
The only other gear in that area I can find is a power plant from PS audio and that is a total different price. I have issues with my mobile phone creating noice with my current and this is supposed to help.

I use ps audio power plants and they’re awesome, but I haven’t had much benefit from just simple power filters or conditioners, unless I had noticeably bad power

I was thinking about getting the Stellar Power Plant actually. I can’t afford the larger ones. But that seems worth while.

It’s been something that actually improved my setup, I used to use furman conditioners and they didn’t really do anything in terms of sound quality, look used to see if there is a deal

Yeah. My office set up is on a new circuit with the latest wiring (renovated about a year and half ago), so I wont be sure how useful it would be here. But I want to set up a listening room in an older part of the house where the clean constant power might be useful.

Different things, the furman conditions will remove HF noise and some fluctuation in voltage, so if you have something on the circuit generating noise (or just shitty power) they will help.
The PS Audio stuff re-generates the actual power with clean Sine Waves, so it’s probably an improvement to almost anyones power. You pay for the privilege.


Yeah regenerators and conditioners are different things, but they do both aim to improve the quality of power


And save fuses in amplifiers…
Don’t ask!


I am sorry to ask, but… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So the PS power plants also improves your sound quality, beyond keeping interference away?
But the Furman conditioners only the latter?

From my experience yes, but I would suggest unless people are really satisfied with their amps to instead put the money towards a new amp instead of a power plant. A furman most likely would help out in sound quality if you had noticeably bad power, but otherwise I don’t think it would make as large as a difference

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what is a power plant? another name for a UPS?

Like this one, it purifies your power:

Wattage equals Volts times Amps
Volts go down, Amps go up. Makes sense?

1600W Amp, fuse blows at 8A fine:tm: at 230V
Not fine at 200V (yes, the circuit dipped down by 30V)

there is lots of stuff out there that purifies power for a fraction of the price. in fact, I just pinged my CyberPower rep to see if he can find out from his workmates if they have any gear that’s popular for protecting A/V equipment. I specified that I wasn’t asking what A/V focused parts they had…but more word of mouth of what the audio community has sought from them.

no idea if they will come back with something…but we’ll see!

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Thats ok, it is an interference issue I have, so if that can be removed I am happy. But the Furman conditioners are also pricy, except from this one:


But that seems almost inadequate?

Thanks! I would love to hear if they have any brilliant ideas, especially the cheap ones :yum:

Treat that as a good over-voltage protector more than anything.

Good gear costs good money.

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Pretty much, the cheap stuff really didn’t do anything from my experiences. Except perhaps just protecting the equipment to a certain extent

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I can locally get a PS Audio Stellar P3 for US $2700 (local tax is 25%… :grimacing:).
So I will go on a hunt for a used one.