šŸ”· iFi xDSD Gryphon

Signature has a low amount of hiss on both outputs, much lower than Hip-DAC & Gryphon.

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Hiss is a result of the IEMs and their sensitivity level. EMatch is our way of negating that and it will be built in wherever we can.

If I may ask, why do you not like IEMatch?

The perfect world you are looking for, unfortunately, does not exist - we build all of our products to support a wide user base, that has a wide variety of IEMs to headphones.

The Signature and Gryphon have the lowest levels and would be your best bet.

Thanks for the reply.
It is the philosophy of trying to reduce a hiss, rather than not transmit one.

I dont agree its ā€˜asking for a perfect worldā€™ to remove a significant hiss which disrupts normal listening experience, nor to be skeptical of other similar products that include technology to reduce that hiss. Presales anyway. I have other DACs in the house which do not have this issue, and as I continue to seek the best pairing for my gear, there will be hits and misses. Ill check back in the future. Thank you for your time.

Question for iFi.

I just got the xDSD Gryphon and Iā€™m having a couple of issues.

One is that the Gryphon auto sleeps when sound isnā€™t played for sometime. In my case Iā€™m using an iPad PRO and itā€™s annoying when Iā€™m just browsing the web and then decide to play some music or watch a youtube video and the sound comes out of my iPad instead of the Gryphon that I was using a few minutes ago. Not good while in bed and the wife is asleep :stuck_out_tongue: .

The other is that when using Siri voice assistant, the response comes out of the iPad instead of the bluetooth device. I notice that when I invoke Siri, the headphones icon disappears for a bit until Siri ends responding. On my Android phone, no issues. Google assistant response comes out on the Gryphon. Seems to be an iOS specific issue.

  • Is there a way to either disable auto sleep or change the sleep time?
  • Is there any planned fix or workaround for the Siri issue?

Bonus feedback:

  • Would be great to be able to invoke the voice assistant with a button press on the gryphon as well. :wink:

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback. This is the first time I have seen this report, but let me check-in for you and see why this is happening and if itā€™s something we can possibly work around.

Keep you posted!

I had the same issue then a weeks later it would not charge
There got to a Issue with this player. I also lost Bluetooth o this player


Hi there,

Can you please open a support ticket with us about this?


Bravo Marvelous Review!!! Thank you so much! I was on the fence thinking about settling for the 5k because I have the hipdac2 already but I want those new features the Gryphon offers that the hipdac2 does not and I already have the btr5 2021 Iphone Editionā€¦

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Let us know if you decide to grab it!

honestly I have decided to grab, for now the Qudelix 5K, $600 is too steep for me, hopefully it will go on saleā€¦in the future and I will grab it.

I agree $600 is tough. Price to performance idk if there is anything else out there that matches the Gryphon. What I mean by bringing this up is I think sale prices will be few and far between :sob:

Just took mine on a 10hr flight and it was great for amping the headrest monitor sound. Now just gotta get more brave with taking my Liric on trips and Iā€™ll be in heaven.

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Ifi xCan for 300?

Little bit smaller, same power, has xBass+presence and 3D too.
2.5mm instead of 4.4mm, No USB DAC, just Aptx + Aptx low latency.

Guess most people will use Bluetooth only anyway and its questionable if and how much someone really can hear the difference between Aptx and Aptx HD / LDACā€¦

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The xCAN is still an excellent, suitable option if youā€™re limIted to that budget!

headphones.com happens to have the last ā€œnewā€ batch ever produced for sale now.


I have been using the qudelix for the past 2 days and it has amazing features! but when Im at my desktop I love my hipdac2 damnā€¦I really want to gryphon but Im gonna settle for the ifi xCan for nowā€¦might as well call me Neo Im in too deep in this shit!


Canā€™t go wrong with the xCAN. Itā€™s very capable for the price.


pulling the trigger

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Do you have more information about this adapter?

Is this really compatible with all devices? Is it by design a standard feature of the 4.4mm pentaconn to give out a single ended connection?

That means this adapter uses only the L+(T) , R+(2nd R) and Ground (S) contact on the 4.4mm side (TRRRS)?

Left Channel: L+, ground
Right Channel: R+, ground

I got it

Question though I also bought the 2.5mm Iematch adapter which is coming Saturday with that pair well with the X can Iā€™m not sure if I bought it for the right reason because I brought it to get rid of the hiss sound When Iā€™m connected via Bluetooth balance 2.5 mm I mean it made sense but now Iā€™m thinking I may have bought it for the wrong reasons itā€™s for a dap??? So Iā€™m a little confused if you can help explain to me


The IEMatch will also help with noise / hiss on the xCan. With what IEM / headphone you hear a hiss?
You hear it only when nothing is playing or all the time?

Maybe change to the 3.5mm? For IEMā€™s you wonā€™t need the power of the balanced output.


IEMatch is for very sensitive IEMs, or cases with headphones when you need more fine-tuned volume control if you listen at very low levels).

I would suggest trying it without IEMatch first, and if you donā€™t need it now, great - youā€™ll have it on hand when you do.

IEMatch can be used in any context. It doesnā€™t have to be just for DAP.