@Ohmboy Photo shown is the zen dac.
Sorry bud…edited hopefully this’s on point…the iFi site moves so quickly and I clicked on what I thought was the Blue and 
what scenarios would you use the Zen Blue?
it seems the only input is via the Bluetooth connection, so this is what you’d put by some powered speakers to get them something to play?
No sorries needed, just thought I would try and contribute something around here since I mostly lurk. Been putting off on a few of these iFi products, so with the V2 versions coming out might have to jump in finally.
to add bluetooth to any setup. but i would say mainly speakers. zenblue —>amp/powered speakers
zen blue---->zen dac----->zen amp while playing on your ps 5 and want to stream something that isnt spotify?
edit: i should say any console
Oh wow, I just bought the Zen Blue V1 a few weeks ago. Isn’t that always how it goes?
For people asking why you’d use it, I was upgrading my DAC from an SMSL DAC and being able to connect via Bluetooth on my old DAC was surprisingly nice, so I bought a Zen Blue to regain that bit of functionality. (Phone → Bluetooth → Zen Blue → Toslink/Coaxial → DAC → rest of the chain)