Maybe its 1k Chinese yuan, or about 150$ so that would be good and in between the 1 and the 10…
That is much more palatable lol. Also it makes sense because the oh7 is in between the oh1 and oh10, but they do call it their new flagship
Its also a single DD so I can’t see a crazy high price for that due to what companies use in 1k+ iems, they typically don’t use a DD at that price at least from what I’ve seen…
I mean I know a few single dd designs in iems well over 1k, if you know what you are doing it can be excellent
I messaged IKKO directly on Facebook regarding the price. Hopefully they can share this info. Stand by…
O shit lol, that’s crazy, well @Mufflertape you might want to update your expect price on your initial post
One moment, I need my oxygen tent first
OK, now the qustion arises wether Campfire Audio has to fear and the price for the Andromeda’s lowers a $100
I’m still holding out hope that the representative meant $95.0
the paint looks awfully cheap for their now revealed price
Its like I can’ update the post now, IDK, but 950 is for sure out of my price range lol No matter how much I like the company that just makes them out of the price range of most consumers tbh
yeah , i ask my friends , he is a shop in vietnam , and the company confirm about the price , 1000$ for sure , im trying very hard to get that amount
Lol, curious to try these if I get the chance, they look pretty interesting
I nominate you as tribute to purchase these and share your thoughts.
I will pass the torch to someone else instead lol
When I saw these a few days ago I facepalmed so hard. It looks like a blon 03 with more bling lol. They definitely overpriced it too much.