Is THX (precisely: is AAA) a bad thing?

Absolutely agree most folks, if any really need 6 watts!!


I was in that drop also. When I got it I thought I was done with amps. “All the amp I’ll ever need,” I said. Boy was I wrong about that!!!:grin::laughing:


$99 Schitt Hersey…its all you need!!!


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Lol yes! THX :rainbow: Achromatic :rainbow: Amplifier! :rainbow:


When can we buy the A-MazeAmp kit?


Yes lol, seriously skip thx and get a heresy until you can save for like an amp in the 700 and up range imo, makes more sense. Personally I feel like you don’t want to go above 250 usd on a solid state headphone amp, skip 250-450, and then at above 500 your options really start to open up


AAA-maze-ing amp :thinking:


I could probably set up a website to hand out schematics and parts lists. Setting up a business to actually sell and support products is out of my financial reach right now.

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RNHP and Phonitor said otherwise… :laughing:

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That’s how Alex Cavalli started…

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I was sort of joking about how building an amp from sctratch without serious help is out of my reach, skill wise! :wink:

But I’d be interested to see whatever you were inclined to put together!! :slight_smile:

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I love this forum by the way. With a thread with a name like that I was basically expecting a shitstorm and a few insults. Thanks for all the info, I love you all. :stuck_out_tongue:


If I remember correctly, he ordered the parts for a MFHP which is based on the BoM of a RNHP. I’ve joked around that I’d definitely fund another one and an MF R2R DAC which is probably more unlikely but knows.


Very true, this forum is great. If this thread were to happen on SBAF, someone would have been murdered by now, lol.


Agree its a great forum and lots of opinions, and you can learn alot if you listen well!!

Going back to your first sentance in this post:

People don’t understand THX is “achromatic” and it can be a bad thing

Its not that achromatic branded amps are bad, its when people dont really understand what this really is and start making broad assumptions based on well…el crapo!!


Guilty. But I’m learning lol. Sorry :slight_smile:

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Saw this just listed for those wanting a THX amp. $329

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I know the seller. Good guy!


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Also, huh, well, THX said their amp was “achromatic” as if it was a new and different thing and every other non-AAA amps on the planet were “coloring” the sound. So. :face_with_monocle:

The reality is probably, “AAA is our way of trying to not color the sound”.

Yeah I was expecting some name calling and hair pulling too lol