Hi Everyone
I’m hoping to draw on some expertise here - I’m little lost since I don’t know a whole lot about speakers or driving them.
I’ve been given a pair of Jamo S803s and I want to use them in my office, but I obviously need an amp.
My thought is - I’d want something that I can run my computer through, so it has to have the following, while being able to drive them at decent level - I’m not looking to blow out any windows or anything.
So I’d probably need a USB in to capture my computer as I don’t have a dedicated sound card, so I figure that’s my output from there.
I’d like it to have Bluetooth so I don’t necessarily need my computer if I want to listen to music.
It should have a headphone jack, which is what I’ll be using most of the time for work - so I can switch back and forth between the output. I’m already running a dac with my headphones, so I’d like to just stick to one source if at all possible.
I don’t much care if the solution is a single unit or a receiver and amp stack - I figure I could spend maybe $1000 if necessary.
Thanks for reading and for your time