JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Honestly with some EQ on the treble the 07M is a pretty good deal given the config and the fact that they go on sale very frequently

If you’re down to EQ it’s a very versatile set to play around with

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I am not sure about the legend Stamp. Cause I would much prefer Twilight for a bit of money extra ( I know the philosophy is different but still ).

RSV matches my vocal preference and HRTF perfectly so for me it’s a legend :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be the case. The main problem I had with them is air pressure build up, even more than the studio 4

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Totally get that, btw you can fix that by switching tips, tangzu sancai works great for me, try some and see if it helps

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Did a little review for the HD6XX after 8 years vs IEMS :eyes:


Kinera just don’t miss when it comes to the plating :eyes:

Kinera Celest Relentless (finally!! impressions soon)


Interesting read from @Precogvision regarding how we perceive “Detail”:

Agree with most of what he said, to me an IEM is detailed because:

  1. The tuning is balanced enough so that no frequency masks the others, so no sudden huge peaks, and there’s no sudden big dips or roll offs

  2. A small boost around 8-10K gives a slight sharpness to the notes, and helps with the perception of sharper imaging, but not done to a point where it’s overdone and hurt timbre, and create masking and peaks

  3. Another small boost past 10K+ gives a bigger sense of air, or in other words more final extension to the notes, longer decay, more “micro-nuances”, and again not overdone

  4. On top of all this, “soundstage” should be more open to allow for better instrument layering, which fr wise usually means less mid-bass, less 1-3K to make sure the vocals and low-end aren’t so forward that it takes away focus from the rest of the fr; and finally a boost in the uppermids and air as mentioned before

  5. Solid drivers. You shouldn’t have to compete to see who has the bigger number, or who can fit the most BAs, but if we’re talking maximum “detail retrieval”, the IEM should at least have 3-4 drivers, 3 crossovers, one for each frequency, and of course correct polarity, no distortion and phasing issues, and working ears lol



Because there isn’t pinna interaction with iems, soundstage needs to be created through tuning. So I think it’s a good hypothesis, and it also is in line with a lot of anecdotal evidence I’ve seen floating around. I’m sure the personal HRTF influences it as well, especially for the high frequencies. I wonder if there is any research into this?


I think HRTF definitely affects how the treble and other regions plays with how you perceive sound. If your 10K region is lower than most people then you’ll probably find some IEMs to be not extended and detailed as claimed, or if you’re very sensitive in the 3K then vocals can feel overly forward etc.

Aside from tuning and HRTF I think the fit can also affect the perception of staging drastically. Based on my personal experience the headspace feels bigger with an IEM that sits near the edge of my earhole (still seal but not shoved deep), vs one that gets shoved and squished super deeply.

Maybe it has to do with how much air/pressure gets sealed in, but a quick example off my head is the OG Dark Magician (shallow) vs the RSV (deep)


Another one with the same (I guess) driver with the dual VC design.


Hmmm, the graph kind of resembles the P1 Max a bit… Stupid ass name aside, this one might be the actual sequel to the giant Pandas… Interesting.


First thought I had with the name was “Dunu”.


Yeah same here. Idk who’s naming these IEMs but they might need to find a new job lol


Better than KZ´s naming sense at least lol

KZ Vader like they’re just going to start picking random pop culture names. Unless the next release is a KZ Obi Wan or something.

If they really wanna get sued by Disney that is.

Deysa in Big DUDU dis time! :laughing:


First thought I had when I saw the name was “doodoo” :poop:


Took a flyer on them and preordered them when they first were listed on AliExpress. It’s so freaking good, man. The bass is so satisfying.