JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

It’s got tons of bass brother, unless you compare it to true basshead sets.

The graph outright lies, it sounds like it has a bass glide to my ears.

Yep, went down to around 470 usd at the lowest.

iirc, there was 2 version of it though, one with knowles BAs and another with sonion BAs instead.

Another thing i remember is that I am pretty sure people speculated that the Faaeal Hibiscus used the same DD as the EJ07.

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Sounds like I need to try Doscinco :call_me_hand:


OG EJ07 was one of the best IEM’s I heard at CanJam SoCal 2022.


Hello Everyone, anyone here tried AUNE M1P with RSV. ? Is it me or the synergy is out of this world good for Timber ?


I could relate to this bro. I used to have the Aune M1P and RSV as well. They both must connect amazingly well together.


The Legend :ok_hand:


I agree that EJ07 OG is a fantastic IEM on it´s own and really got that special sauce that everybody is talking about…still if you like your treble and incisiveness it may not be the right IEM.

I also bought Kinda Lava at launch and was missing some bass therefore send it for retuning and got +3db bass shelf which made it very enjoyable and easy to listen to but now I could use some more treble energy, i really like some spice uptop otherwise it becomes too boring. But of course that also depends on genre and mood and if I am listening critically or only in the background while doing something else.

EJ07 (m) takes EQ like a champ and therefore I only EQd the treble to the treble of Cadenza 12 and what can I say…to my ears it´s perfect, finally those ESTs come to live and it did remind me a lot of the experience I had with C12 which is lacking ESTs.

It was just yesterday evening i was listening to one track after another even though i was tired as hell I just could not stop because of how captivating it was.
I once again realized what a fricking good IEM the EJ07(m) is, especially for its price.

I don´t find its stage to be too narrow, I very much enjoy the more direct but not cramped stage presentation compared to the wide stage of my Legend EVO for example.
Also the EQ of the treble made it more holographic aswell and seemed to help with a more precise imaging and it was easier to track the individual instruments , it was abolutely fantastic.

The bass texture is very very nice and easily competes with more expensive stuff. (I´m looking at you Monarch MKIII)
Also I don´t have any problem with its midrange (abbrassive???), it´s one of the best I´ve heard maybe topped by Penon Impact.
EJ07m likes a lot of juice and comes to live on higher gain.
On Go Blu for example it´s just plain boring.
What source did you use in your 2 weeks with Kinda Lava?
Maybe it also needed some more burn in? I can remember that for me the sound changed to the better…may it be brain or driver burn in, for my perception it was quite real and noticeable.

But yeah, basically you are right

BUY EJ07 (m) and if needed use a little EQ, you will be rewarded.
Both EJ07 and EJ07m use the exact same drivers so I am pretty sure you can achieve EJ07 stage by using EQ on EJ07m.
EJ07 is just more expensive because of the resin shell.
For me it was also a huge benefit getting used to the idea of using EQ in general it just makes something that is really good even better.
For me personally, my EQd Kinda Lava beats Monarch MKIII

Of course you can also try and find the perfect IEM and spend hundreds and hundreds on the search for it or just get a quality product from a trusted brand with high quality drivers and good QC and use a little EQ.

Still I can not forget Cadenza and want to revisit and compare it one day.
Just slap a 3db bass shelf on it and it´s perfect accross my library…in its stock form probably 50% of my library.
Then again I can´t imagine it to be that much better than what i experienced yesterday (max. 10% but memory based comparison has close to zero validity so not sure)


Honestly with some EQ on the treble the 07M is a pretty good deal given the config and the fact that they go on sale very frequently

If you’re down to EQ it’s a very versatile set to play around with

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I am not sure about the legend Stamp. Cause I would much prefer Twilight for a bit of money extra ( I know the philosophy is different but still ).

RSV matches my vocal preference and HRTF perfectly so for me it’s a legend :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be the case. The main problem I had with them is air pressure build up, even more than the studio 4

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Totally get that, btw you can fix that by switching tips, tangzu sancai works great for me, try some and see if it helps

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Did a little review for the HD6XX after 8 years vs IEMS :eyes:


Kinera just don’t miss when it comes to the plating :eyes:

Kinera Celest Relentless (finally!! impressions soon)


Interesting read from @Precogvision regarding how we perceive “Detail”:

Agree with most of what he said, to me an IEM is detailed because:

  1. The tuning is balanced enough so that no frequency masks the others, so no sudden huge peaks, and there’s no sudden big dips or roll offs

  2. A small boost around 8-10K gives a slight sharpness to the notes, and helps with the perception of sharper imaging, but not done to a point where it’s overdone and hurt timbre, and create masking and peaks

  3. Another small boost past 10K+ gives a bigger sense of air, or in other words more final extension to the notes, longer decay, more “micro-nuances”, and again not overdone

  4. On top of all this, “soundstage” should be more open to allow for better instrument layering, which fr wise usually means less mid-bass, less 1-3K to make sure the vocals and low-end aren’t so forward that it takes away focus from the rest of the fr; and finally a boost in the uppermids and air as mentioned before

  5. Solid drivers. You shouldn’t have to compete to see who has the bigger number, or who can fit the most BAs, but if we’re talking maximum “detail retrieval”, the IEM should at least have 3-4 drivers, 3 crossovers, one for each frequency, and of course correct polarity, no distortion and phasing issues, and working ears lol



Because there isn’t pinna interaction with iems, soundstage needs to be created through tuning. So I think it’s a good hypothesis, and it also is in line with a lot of anecdotal evidence I’ve seen floating around. I’m sure the personal HRTF influences it as well, especially for the high frequencies. I wonder if there is any research into this?


I think HRTF definitely affects how the treble and other regions plays with how you perceive sound. If your 10K region is lower than most people then you’ll probably find some IEMs to be not extended and detailed as claimed, or if you’re very sensitive in the 3K then vocals can feel overly forward etc.

Aside from tuning and HRTF I think the fit can also affect the perception of staging drastically. Based on my personal experience the headspace feels bigger with an IEM that sits near the edge of my earhole (still seal but not shoved deep), vs one that gets shoved and squished super deeply.

Maybe it has to do with how much air/pressure gets sealed in, but a quick example off my head is the OG Dark Magician (shallow) vs the RSV (deep)


Another one with the same (I guess) driver with the dual VC design.