JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

you sure that is 300 grade? That looks like way more than that, 500 at least I would say…


Lowkey you might be right, but the label says 300 :man_shrugging:



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ya meant 300, out rn

I think one of the 500s snuck its way onto the 300 pile, does look darker, which makes sense how much it squashed the 2K






Shoutout to @Jaytiss for the loan :heart_hands:


What’s this 80hms Foam on the Braindance? A foam eartips? Looks like a nice effect on the bass :eyes:

Everything is measured with foam tips ya

The Braindance is very sizzly, very noticeable planar timbre, not sure about this one right after listening to the Timeless 2


Punch better for those wondering, vocals pop out just enough with better extension


He uses foam ear tips for the measurement, plus a 80 ohm impedance adapter to bring the bass up. :blush:


What about EM10 with 80ohm adapter? Compared to Punch

dunno dont have em10 with me rn

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which one you like better? :eyes: These two or arcadia?

Odyssey personally, Arcadia is a bassier listen


I personally prefer Arcadia. That bass is just sooo addicting.


Graphs kinda like a Variation with more 10k+ air :man_shrugging:


Everything looks the damn same nowadays, remove the name and skimming it over fast and the difference might as well be qc lol.

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My 11.11 and black friday haul arrived. Ending the year with this collection when I started the year only with the Nuo which I bought last year :pray:

Havent had enough time to get lots of time with all of them but in terms of enjoyment for me its gonna be:


Solid collection! Can we get some of the spare tips you got? xD xD

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that was mostly because I misordered the tri clarion. Wanted to order SML but ordered LLL instead so I ordered another MMM XD. Only tips I repurchased because I like it is the Dunu S&S now.




The Timeless 2 is going to be the best planar for most people right now, and the main reason for that is because it fulfils 2 main criterias, #1 it’s technically capable and smooth and refined in the treble, and #2, the nozzles actually work so it’s going to give people the variety they wanted since you get 3 different sounds.


Now, although it’s not going to be the most technical planar, which goes to the Braindance and ET142, the Timeless 2 does however provide enough performance to make you feel satisfied and not feel like you’re lacking something. It’s similar to the OG timeless in-terms detail, resolution, separation, so still very solid, but the uppermids and treble is just smoother now - it sounds less sharp, sizzly, and planar like. In fact if you blindfolded me and put on the sancai regular tips on these (which I highly recommend you use to smooth things out), I would most likely not be able to tell that I’m listening to a planar because the treble is noticeably smoother and airier than what I’d expect coming right from the ET142, OG S12, and P20.


Compared to the ET142 which is sharper in the imaging and harder in its tactility and attack, the Timeless 2 is smoother and more laid back when it comes to the higher frequencies. It’s more well-balanced, a little fuller in the overall presentation, and trades off detail and resolution from the brighter, lively, and sparkly listen of the ET142 for a safer sound that more people will like, and find less controversial.

The 2K region is also less boosted as well as the treble overall, and because of this vocals sound less forward and shouty when it comes to more energetic tracks, and although it still won’t scale as well as the Explorer, arcadia, or Odyssey, the Timeless 2 does still scale better than the ET142 and most of the other planars, especially with the silver nozzles which tames the 2K even more. If you like the flatter 2K on the S08, S12 2024, or Explorer then you will enjoy these.


The low-end is also punchy, quick, natural in the note-weight, and has enough slam to make things interesting without bleeding into the lower-midrange. The Timeless 2 is very similar to the ET142 overall in terms of bass texture and slam, but just with a little more body and fullness. However if you want a warmer and bassier listen then there are still better options which do have a dedicated DD for the low-end like the Hype 4, Tea Pros, Cincotres, Arcadia

Now even though the low-end will not feel as heavy as the Hype 4, Tea Pros, Cinco, Arcadia, those will still be thicker with more reverb and rumble, slams harder, and just overall more engagement when it comes to drums and bass notes, and they all will still be better when it comes to pure bass enjoyment… But this doesn’t mean the Timeless 2 isn’t good, in fact some people will even prefer the quicker and tighter presentation on the Timeless 2 instead because it does a great job at providing a low-end that fits the all-rounder type of sound.


On the other hand, if you do want something more exciting and you’re chasing that OCD detail like presentation, then the ET142 would be the better pick. It is more technical than the Timeless 2 while also not being too planar like when it comes to the sizzle in the treble as it has that harder bite to the notes, But the drawback of the 142 is that the 2K will be a bit shouty and much to some, so you’re looking for something less dynamic and don’t mind a downgrade in technical performance compared to the ET142, if you want a smoother and airier playback with pretty much no planar timbre, then I would recommend the Timeless 2 over the other planars I’ve tried so far, yes even the S15, S12 2024, and S08.

This is because the silver nozzle does what the S15, S12 2024, and S08 does, taming the uppermids, but with more clarity, extension, and openness in the vocals while still giving you that smoothness and air. On top of that, you also get 2 more nozzles and sound presentation to mess around with, so in-terms of value, the Timeless 2 is better than the S15 and S12 2024, and the silver nozzle would actually be a decent upgrade from the S08.

Timeless 2 Final Ranking:

Tonality: A+ (7.5/10)
Tech: A/A+ (7/10)
Overall: A (7/10)



Now on the total opposite end of the spectrum, we got the HBB PUNCH… And ya @hawaiibadboy cooked with this one. I’ll put it simply, if you want an endgame well-balanced basshead set - these are it.

I actually prefer the Punch more than the Origin and Titans because it just slams so nice, and like the name suggests, the Punch will punch you in the face with bass. The low-end rumble is deep, you really feel the bass notes extend out in the reverb, the texture is thick, the slam is heavy, and the best part is the bass notes are actually resolving and doesn’t feel smoothed out. And even though the bass is noticeably very forward, the headstage still maintains the air and openness and it doesn’t feel congested like on the Anvil.


Vocals are also not congested, nasally, overly warm, or recessed and buried, they’re actually balanced given how much bass there is - Now obviously they’re not going to pop-out and sound super clean and sweet like the OG Oracles, Studi 4, or RSV, but they sound, good, and not wonky.

The treble is also nicely extended, slightly dynamic and not completely smooth which is great since that adds a little contrast to the sound, and with the Azla Sednas tips, which is what I recommend you use these with - the Punch sounds bassy, dynamic, but also open since the Sednas gives the Punch more air near the end.


So, what you end up with is lots of high quality slamming bass, but also well-balanced elsewhere, like the Titans and the Origin… But the main difference compared to the Titans and the Origin is that the Punch isn’t as clean in the mids, and not as technical when it comes to the micro-details, the low-end isn’t as tight and quick as the Titan and Origin (not as bouncy as the Origin) and is more straight-forward in the mix.

However, the trade off to that is - you get more of the thing you love, aka bass. So for bassheads, this is a no brainer, if you’re choosing between the Origin, Titan, and Punch - just get the Punch, it’s so much more fun when it comes to hiphop, rock, r&b, and even pop, not as technical, but the amount of raw low-end you get more than justify the tradeoffs if you’re a basshead.


compared to the Deuce, at first I thought this was just a sidegrade to it since they’re both basshead sets, but, ya no, the Punch is better across the board, and no I still haven’t gotten my Deuce yet.

The Punch has the same amount of low-end, but just with more tactility and texture, and more slam in the mid-bass now, so drums, bass lines, and male vocals all sound meatier, thicker, and more engaging while still sounding balanced in the vocals. Layering, resolution, treble detail, air, and the overall sense of space is also a step up over the Deuce, it gives you the impact, slam, and rumble without the in-your-head kind of feeling, and overall, if you’re digging the Deuce and thinking of upgrading then the Punch would be it.


Same could be said for other bassy sets like the Doscincos, Hype 4, Tea Pros - if you dig those but always wanted even more bass, and better texture on top, even more rumble and impact, then the Punch will satisfy that craving without you needing to drop close to $1K for the Origin and Titans.

However, if you found the amount of bass on the Hype 4 and Tea Pros to be perfect, anymore and it’s too much, then something like the Hype 10 or Monarch MK3 would fit better as an bassy all-rounder set.


Now, if you own the Meteor, the Punch would be a good sidegrade as it’s less mid-bass focused and airy in the treble, and more sub-bass focused with less air but more pop in the vocals. So instead of a warm, airy/dreamy sound from the Meteor, you get a more dynamic and engaging listen - like the name suggests you’re gonna get punched with bass.

As for the Mega5est Bass, the Punch is just straight up better when it comes to low-end texture, tactility, slam, impact, reverb - the bass notes feels more textured and less smoothed out. Vocals also pop out more, and overall if you’re basshead the Punch is just better.


But all in all both 7Hz and Kiwiears dropped some bangers this time, I recommend both the Timeless 2 and the Punch, great sets, Timeless 2 with the Sancai Regulars, and the Punch with the Azla Sednas.

HBB PUNCH Final Ranking:

Tonality (for Bassheads): S-/S (9/10)
Tech: A (7/10)
Overall: A+ (8/10)

Thanks for reading :sunglasses: