JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

That’s a whole lot of hyperbole, I’m sure they have plenty of intimate experience with all of the units they mentioned to make such grand pronouncements! /s


That bass tuck at 200hz/ no bleed into the mids is really my thing, along with that nice treble extension past 10k.


“Asteria just released yup way better than supernova bra” had me dead :skull:

@Dan_X Yup, a very well-tuned set :+1:


You may not have tried them, but this is a must-have recommendation up to $1,500! FR in this case can deceive you! Happy New Year!


Lovely Set thoose DTE900!


Wait MEST MK2 is on sale for $900 new??



Yes. It has been on sale for a month. Every year at this time it is so. But this thing in the picture above is better, really! :wink:



Oh Jesus Christ… tax season is almost here :joy:


Why you have to remind me :smiling_face_with_tear:


dag :grimacing:

double dag :eyes:


Mest mk2 - An insanely technical set with stellar imaging that can be corrected tuning-wise to a large degree, but not quite all the way. (Raise upper mids, decrease 6k)

I sold it though because of these reasons:

Ultimately a bit too wonky signature
Overall more technical, surgical than musical
Incoherent due to insanely good instrument separation
Far too fit & eartip dependent

Still really like it though. At $899 I feel it is definitely competitive if you love its strengths and don’t mind terribly its drawbacks.


Was looking at the Sakura from Fat Freq, then I see this:

Is crin’s unit difference than retail?? :thinking:

RSV too wtf:

Nvm I was on the wrong option lol


DUNU MIRAI IMPRESSIONS (my friend’s unit):

-Definitely a mid-volume set lol
-Was expecting it to be more sharp but reminds me of the TOP
-Vocals are sparkly and bright, slightly airy
-Some songs like KPOP/JPOP will kill your ears though (especially female vocals)
-More exciting than airy/smooth vs LTD and Supernova
-Could use more mid-bass, sub-bass rumble is good
-A bit peaky in the 4K and 8K regions but overall not the end of the world
-Track dependent, can’t really crank it up on EDM/POP stuff, but pretty great on acoustics, ballads, and jazz stuff
-Resolution and layering is competitive to the Monarchs of the world, imaging is sharp/ODC like, stage is good (I think LTD still feels more open)
-Overall a nice bright leaning set like the TOP and EA1000s, but bass texture/timbre isn’t as good as EA1000s - could use more meat

My friend might’ve also lucked out on QC because his has more bass/similar to Precog’s unit


Some stuff came in:





I thought that this bass shelf was left in 2021-2022, but apparently I was wrong. This is called “when the dead rise”. :nerd_face:
In short, we can do without Mirai.


I think I’d like the mirai quite a lot tbh. I like the look of the graph.

It’s not available here in the UK though, I did reach out to Elise Audio, but they said they won’t be stocking it, guess it’s because it’s a headphones.com exclusive.

After shipping and tax, it would be way too expensive.


Ya one of the reasons I cancelled was because of customs lol (and the fact my friend got his :v:)


You where the first on my mind when I saw the graph vs. MkIII😅


Happy Sunday guys! So I’ve been hearing a lot of mixed reviews surrounding the Mirai (Dunu x Precogvision collab)… But, is the MIRAI really as sharp as people claim it to be?

Well… no, actually… for the most part.

The treble is sparkly and energetic, cymbals are airy, there’s a good sense of decay to the crashes, and overall the Mirai is resolving and detailed. When you compare it to the EA1000s the uppermids are actually tamer than the Fermats, but overall they sound very close because of the Fermat’s extra mid-bass helping balance things out. However, there are multiple peaks around 4K, 8K, and past 10K which you either love or hate because although the Mirai isn’t as smooth and easy on the ears like the Supernova, the extra peaks do however help create a sense of dynamic contrast and energy in the music that otherwise would’ve been smoothed over.

Refinement wise the Mirai isn’t going to beat the Supernova, and that’s fine because that’s not the sound it’s going for - I actually prefer this more energetic style of tuning on indie and alternative stuff like, boygenius - The Record, which sounds more engaging, more alive, sparklier, and just overall more enjoyable on the Mirai vs the smoother Supernova. The slower nature, and softer instruments from those genres gets almost like a face lift from energy of the Mirai because they can otherwise sound too slow and boring.

Vocals on acoustics, indie, and ballads are sweet, sparkly, brighter, and vibrant kind of like a clear spring morning. There’s a normal amount of chest voice in the lower notes, no bleeding into the lowermids, and vocals are extended, open, with the falsetto (higher frequencies) and endnotes being slightly sharp and airy but not overdone on those genres. Overall, the midrange and vocals remind me of the EA1000s, bright leaning, colored towards the upper regions, but still very much tastefully done. Now, similar to the EA1000s, this does mean the Mirai will get sharp and fatiguing on more energetic tracks like EDM, POP, JPOP, KPOP, for example Butterfly by Loona sounds shrill and sharp in the female vocals with all the electronic elements, the song is already very energetic, so the extra energy from the Mirai in this case makes it too much and I couldn’t listen to it past 65dbs or so, which is what you should be doing, guys don’t go blasting your ears like me. In other words, for most people the Mirai is a lower mid volume set when listening to more energetic genres, you can crank them up higher on slower tracks, but volume wise it’s not going to scale like the EJ07s or even some of the harman/df sets.

Low-end wise I found the sub-bass to be rumbly, punchy, and well separated, but if you’re looking for more mid-bass, slam, or meat to kickdrums, male vocals, or bass guitars, then the Mirai will be a bit light in those scenarios and lacking that impact. They’re passable for Rock, but the extra energy plus the decreased mid-bass is not ideal, you can definitely find better sets for that, like even the XENNS TOP or SA6 MK2 would be better for rock because of the extra mid-bass and tamer treble. In-terms of bass texture the EA1000s are still better, there’s more impact, slams harder, and more reverb in the bass notes, but the Mirai definitely isn’t bad or thin like the Variations. It’s basically the direct upgrade to the Blessing 3, similar bright-clean tuning but just with more bass this time, and a bump in resolution and layering.

Versus some of the more expensive stuff like the Monarch MK3 and LTD, they’re all very similar in-terms of resolution and technical performance. Simply put, the Mirai is just brighter, it sounds the most exciting out of the 3 with sharper imaging, whereas the MK3 has better bass texture, more natural vocals, and the LTD is airy with better staging and smoother. Compared to some of the harman/df sets like the TOP, Studio 4, and EJ07M, the Mirai pulls in a little more detail, and overall the sound is brighter, and the imaging is sharper, vocal wise the Studio 4 and EJ07M still sounds the most natural, colored, and sub-bass wise the EJ07M and Mirai is around the same.

Now, I wouldn’t call the Mirai a treble-head set, but if you want more energy in your music then these would be a good pick - I think my friend lucked on his unit because it seems to have more low-end and overall just less sharp, but ya unit variance is still very much a thing even at $1100. So then, the tuning is pretty enjoyable (for the most part, again genre dependent, whether or not you want more energy in your music), but the Mirai’s got great technical performance, and precog’s a pretty cool dude, so then why is it so hard to recommend these? Well, it’s because of the price.

$1100 is rent money for most people in the US or Canada, and if you’re in another country then that amount can even be life changing, but the most important factor is that a bright-leaning IEM with good bass like the Mirai already exists, but for more than $800 less, aka the Simgot EA1000s. Now, admittedly the fermats aren’t as detailed nor technical in the layering and imaging department, but honestly, for 5x less the EA1000s are looking kind of like a steal guys, plus the low-end has more impact and better texture. The Mirai then, is for those who are looking to upgrade to a more technical version of the EA1000s or B3s, and also support precog on the way… but, is it worth the asking price? Well, that’s for you to decide.

Personally, in my very subjective opinion, I think the backside of the Mirai makes it look a little plasticy and underwhelming. No hate to precog, but if I didn’t know any better I would’ve guessed the EA1000s were the ones that cost $1100 and not the other way around. I feel like the back should’ve been a transparent resin that matches the color of the front plating, which you know the front looks good, but the overall design could’ve been better for $1100… although this is just me nitpicking as the cable and case is very nice.

Final Rankings:
Tonality: A/A+
Tech: S-
Overall: A+

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Hype 4 Graph (shout out to my friend, again):

-Basically just Hype 2 with more bass and air lol
-Very similar tech, maybe a little more resolving
-Stage feels more open because of the air
-Bass texture is pretty much the same but just more
-A small bump in the overall sound
-If you already have Hype 2 you don’t need Hype 4, just EQ
-But if coming from scratch grab the Hype 4 over the 2 (unless you want less bass)