JDS Labs Atom DAC

I also have the 4XX and find it really takes well to equalization. Look into adding the Peace interface for Equalizer APO.


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you should consider the Loki from Schiit.

Totally agree with you! I keep finding myself turning up the volume knob. :sunglasses:

I got the atom amp… :thinking:

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Frank, people are still printing and enjoying that case! :grin: Look at the ASR KTB thread over the last few months. Several examples of people sharing their FBizzleDAC.
You’re an influencer and innovator in the HiFi space!



TL,DR: 110dB SINAD, just like the Topping E30 and the Khadas Tone Board. Fits very well with the 114dB JDS Atom amp indeed.

Obviously the D30 got a screen, but… not made in USA, not much of a warranty either. I say pay 30$ less and get the Atom for piece of mind. JDS Labs warranty/service is excellent.

Idea: Get the 100$ Khadas DAC and the 100$ Atom DAC and see if you can hear the difference between AKM and ESS chipsets with the exact same SINAD :thinking:

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The Atom amp makes this super easy because it has 2 inputs. Dooooo iiiiitttttt! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


e30 comes with the always forgottent about feature of the remote. which to me kinda makes up for the price difference

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Decided to install the sleepless firmware. As much as I like the 15 min automatic standby, I didn’t like the small audible transient as the DAC is reengaged. JDS says I can always revert the firmware back if I decide to enable that feature again. I’m in and out of my desk sometimes and that 15 min standby window is kind of short, imo.

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Little late to this conversation but, I just ordered the Atom Amp and DAC earlier today. This is my introductory setup into the hobby. I’m looking forward to getting it hooked up.


Sweet! What headphones will they be driving?

Well… Right now I don’t really have any worthy mention, here… For now I’ll be using a pair of Edifier 1700s on the desktop. I don’t really know what I want for a headphone so, researching and trying some out to see what I like will be a new adventure.

OK. When you’re ready let us know what kinds of music you like and what aspects of sound matter most to you (bass, treble, vocals, etc.) and we’ll help you out.

Hey thanks, I will do that for sure.

@Delta9K also check out the Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread for some great deals!

FWIW, I have that same stack and have been really happy with it.

It arrived today.

Now I can begin setting up Foobar2K. But I have a question regarding that, and I’m sure there is a more appropriate category to post it to but, I’ll throw it out here; Should I install the xmos driver? Is that necessary for wasapi and is wasapi necessary for F2K? Right now I’m rolling just off the plug and play Win10 driver.

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IMO, the xmos driver is not necessary. As for wasapi, I have it installed so I don’t get any other window sounds (notifications, etc) while I have foobar running. If you switch back and forth between youtube/foobar/spotify/etc then I would not install wasapi.

@ericg ,Thanks for your words.

I would prefer not installing any additional drivers. However, it looks like you need to install the xmos driver in order to do the firmware update that disables the auto stand-by, which I am seriously considering because I get a pretty decent “Pop” though my speakers each time it resumes. That concerns me. I don’t know if others have noticed or not with their speakers. It seems most are using headphones and it may not be noticed in that scenario.

re: wasapi - I was reading about the quirks of using it and switching sources as you described, Youtube/Streaming app/ foobar/etc., that’s not appealing on a “daily driver” machine. Though it looks like perhaps setting exclusive vs. shared could minimize that, at the expense other sounds may interfere with playback.

I’ll figure something and I’m not at all set back by any of it - this is what I wanted, something new to tweak on.

Yes, the “pop” made me install the sleepless firmware as well. You can still hear it using headphones.

BTW, if firmware install fails, try a different usb port on the computer. I ran into that issue. Plugging into a different usb port allowed me to install the firmware.

No more “pop”. :smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Looking for headphones for