I need a amp/DAC for my k712 pro don’t know much about them but need some decent advice on what to get.
Any suggestions?
Edit: UK, I have no audio equipment other than recently ordered k712s and budget is around £200
I need a amp/DAC for my k712 pro don’t know much about them but need some decent advice on what to get.
Any suggestions?
Edit: UK, I have no audio equipment other than recently ordered k712s and budget is around £200
Welcome to the forum! Do you have anything you’re currently using for any other headphones you might have? Any plans for other purchases? Last but not least, what’s your budget?
Country would also help.
Done a edit thanks
I have not heard the K712 pro, but have listened to some of the lower K series. For that budget, you might look at something like a Zen DAC or K5 pro. The Zen would be warmer sounding, while the K5 pro leans more neutral. Both are DAC/amp combos and can be had in the $130-$150 range.
I can tell you the K-712 works great with the BasX A-100 (not recommended unless you also use the speaker out, and over budget) or LakePeople G103 (also likely over your budget).
Should enable the more knowledgeable people here to recommend a fitting amp.
On “higher” output impedances the bass and detail suffers a bit (as in: ART HeadAmp4 is not optimal)