Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

Great review Monk! I’m thinking on adding this set to my collection but I’m worried about comfort. Those nozzles look pretty big. How did you find the comfort of the nozzles and shells?

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I have no problem I used a ML tip not a Large because of the nozzle size. The semi custom shell is super comfortable for me. My ears are ML and I dont normally have any fit issues.

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That was unexpected I was thinking it was going to be $399 like the Pilgrim


For the official pricing of 220$, this iem is insane. I am loving it dearly.


They are not very large brother. Don’t worry, unless you have got really, like really small ears haha.

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What are the wow factors ?

rich, melodious sound brother. Bass is weighted and has a clean presentation(mid-bass is a little more pronounced), vocals are also quite good.


The graph also looks quite musical to my taste. Resolution is apt ?

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Hi, I’m looking for an iem with strong, tight and well textured bass. The vocals have to be forward, thick and lush. Also, a lower pinna gain yet well extended treble with decent airiness, would the juzear 61t fit my sound preference?

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Mr Monk, your enthusiasm has caused another financial discharge in the dark…However, the Artti R1 is still in my possession with real value in my daily routine so here’s to hoping!


For the price point yes brother.

Prediction - this is simply a higher-end Pula 02, judging by the graph.

It also will have the same issue with treble timbre as it is using “custom” BAs for highs… (same 14kHz spike)

Not a set for those sensitive to timbre.

We will see a lot of these on the classified page in a months time.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed as 41T had very natural tone and timbre IMO and I’m hoping that 61T will follow suit with better technicalities

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dont need it but what the hell…i like the look of that bass glide.
Been looking for a replacement to my Fearless S8fs that i borked and i think this just might be it, at half the price too…here’s hoping


i Wish it had more air. do you feel it lacks in treble extension?

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Your not going to get thick and lush mids with a lower pina gain that more of of a iem with more upper mid energy think DTE900.

The 61t comes out as clean and neutral/balanced IMO


Not at all with the DX180 as thats its special sauce and those Divinus Wide bore tips whatever it was was a great combo.

I didn’t like it as much with warmer sources

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Hifigo is also sending me one, im a bit worried about the size myself though. What other iem has a simillar shell size to this? Is it smaller than say the Blessing 2/3, Hype 2?

judging by the knowles being ED drivers and for mids, I am guessing they are the ED-29689

Which is probably the most used ED driver afaik.


Thank you for your feedback. I ordered it last night.

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DX180 Synergizes well with Technical IEMs more ?