đŸ”¶ Koss KPH 40 Utility

Well, got my Guardians of the Galaxy mod going on my KPH40s. These are little donut pads I picked up from Aliexpress. I have them on over the top of the stock pads. Much more comfortable, and I think improved the sound (better seperation, slightly more bass, eased the top end just a touch).

I don’t have my Porta Pros on hand, but I think these are taking my top spot for the little Koss headphones.

Link to the pads if you’re interested:

Look about a month to get here (I ordered them for KSC75s).



I already had the sennheiser cable and it TOTALLY works, im planning on getting the connectors from amazon to make my own shorter cable but thats a while down the road

i have NOT tested phasing on the new fantasia cable but that MAY be an issue

The system auto silenced your account due to posting multiple links (at least I think that’s why, which is configured that way to prevent bot accounts, but it shouldn’t have done it here), nobody reported/flagged you, it was an error of the forum software. An admin corrected it as soon as they noticed it happen, sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused

Edit: it’s because your first posts contained multiple links and posted the same content multiple times in different threads in a quicker timeframe. That accidently tripped the system into thinking you were a bot/spam account. It shouldn’t happen again no matter what you do


That makes sense, thank you for explaining. i guess i was just triggered that is said it was a “community flag” instead of an auto moderator. I just want people to know that this can be done because zeos has said so many good things about a local company and i want them to be successful especially because of the shenanigans they dealt with on wall street.

UPDATE: phasing with prebuilt cable is good, true balanced!

I think that’s because the system has its own account at the highest trust level, but it acts like a normal user account. So when it decides to flag a post, it’s treated as a high level user, so it shows as community rather than something descriptive. The developers of the platform should really change that tbh

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I agree, and i was fuckin pissed at first but i understand. I mean this forum is pretty good but i doubt it has a whole team of like 100 engineers. Hopefully they make that small tweak to ease user frustration

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I must have gotten a bad pair because I think they are horrible. All the vocals goto the right channel the 2.5mm connection is crap you have to mess with it to get a two channel audio. I connected to both Apple and Android devices and got the same results, For sound and comfort the KPh30i and a set of Yaxi pads kill the 40’s at least my pair.

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Agreed. The amount of confirmation bias around here is wild. These are in a different league than older koss drivers, especially with a handful of amps that have good synergy.

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Ehmmm, good morning from Greece guys! A message to those who somehow don’t like their KPH40s and return them
 Would you mind help a fellow koss-ling and send a couple this way instead? Looks like this out-of-stock situation will keep happening
 :sob::sob: Me need my 40s! :sob::sob: I can pay in FH3 as well

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Hey, welcome to HiFi Guides!

Which amps are you getting particularly good synergy with? I fully agree that these take on the flavor of their signal chain, maybe more so than previous koss drivers.

That has been my experience as well.

I’d like to know too! I really want to love the KPH40 more than the KPH30i and the KSC75, but for me the KPH40 sounded worse on my setup than the other Koss offerings.

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Has anybody for a recommendation for pads that accomplish the same comfort effect of the Grados on the KPH30i?

I avoided this thread for a bit as to not taint my opinion when I saw new koss hype It was instant buy for me. looked like a 30i and I broke my 30i so I needed a replacement
Here is my quick review of the kph 40 utility. Been listening to these for a few days. My main test tracks. Cover my favorite genres which tend to be hip hop, indie rock, alternative rock, hip hop, and R and B with a splash of indie J rock. I am also a owner of the kph 30i, KSC 75, and porta pro ksc 75 being my favorite of the classic 3 koss headphones.
Test Rig: PC (Musicbeee)  Schiit Bifrost 2  Schiit asgard 3
To: start with are my initial first impressions.
Overall smooth sound signature. Pretty forgiving,. Definitely not the same as any of the other 3 sound signature wise. I really want to see someone measure this as I cant seem to nail down the sound signature quite yet and I think measurements might help me out decode what Im hearing.
Build quality: solid, light , much more durable than the 30i for sure, looks like it can handle a bit of abuse. I hate flat cables but still the best koss cable,
Bass: Bass so far is the most disappointing, I was kind of hoping for a kph 30i replacement as I hate the build of the 3oi being so fragile. The 3oi to me has the best bass response of the 3 tight and pronounced with authority. The kph 40 I am finding it to be tight fairly neutral present with some detail buut lack impact and any authority. Drums tend to sound pretty average and probably has the most middling performance bass wise compared to the other koss headphones
Mids: one of the strong points of this headphone. Male vocals have some nice detail and presence. Guitars sound great, female vocals are good but a bit meh for the most part, trumpets sound great and most brass sound very good. Pianos sound pretty great.
Treble: this is the hardest part for me to pin point. It’s smooth but I can detect a few peaks not enough to bother me but I detect a slight bit of sibilance and a bit of shout at certain spots. Overall treble resolution is decent cymbals sound great. Not a lot to really complain about here. Treble I find is comparable to the ksc 75 but I prefer how the KSC 75 dopes treble over this.
Technicalities: this has by far the weakest soundstage of all the big ones , much more narrow nearing on earbud staging which to me is a bit disappointing, imaging is just ok. Separation at times is actually bad though. Especially with with busy or badly produced music. You may argue it’s the music’s fault but these are track the ksc 75 , and 30i don’t have much trouble with the porta pro has issues with busier tracks though. I’m going to try and find some pads and attempt to fix the soundstage on this thing and maybe that will improve the separation issues.
Conclusion: All in all not a bad headphone Its just not for me. Who I think would really appreciate this is for people who listen to soft rock, Country music , American style folk music, and older indie rock form the 90’s to early 2000’s as I really enjoyed my favorite album, In An Aeroplane over the sea, by neutral milk hotel on this headphone. If you are into more modern Genres stick with the KPH 30i, and porta pro, if you like your neutrality and are into a slightly warm slightly bright. and like your soundstage while saving money stick to the ksc 75. Is it worth the Hype? IMO not really, the build is nice but Im probably gonna pop the headphones on and stick some ksc 75’s on the headband and call it a day.


I think by now we can all agree the only hot thing about the Utility line is that sexy KPH40 headband which desperately screams for a pair of mmcx KSC75 drivers on it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


 the cable system is pretty sweet as well. To bad it doesn’t work on the KSC75.

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the new porta pro version looks hot though.

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Yeap, I stand corrected, cable is sweet too and Koss sucks for not upgrading the KSC75 as well (for now)! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


the new proto pro U also has the new housing and a slightly different pad i believe by the way.

I received my KPH40 with lightning cable DAC as a Christmas gift and have been using it non-stop both mobile and at my desk. The DAC is outstanding quality and has plenty of headroom for the KPH40. And these cans scale just as previous generations did - pair it with a nicer amp, get a better experience.

It feels weird to put down my DT880 600 ohm for this long, but the KPH40 have done exceptionally well paired with my vintage Kenwood KR-3010, usually reserved for my high resistance Beyers due to it’s excellent headphone output. These scale so well with this amp! And they are a very well rounded, detailed, and balanced sounding headphone. Comfortable to wear for hours on end.

KR-3010 (click me)

Stock pads are great imo, more comfy than KPH30i and no need to swap.

I don’t understand how Koss continues to 1up perfection, but they did it again.

BTW (click me)

To those saying KSC75 are at the top of your list, how? I notice when I start getting anywhere near a comfy listening volume, there are certain tones that don’t come through too well, regardless of what is driving them. It’s almost like a distorted chirping. I notice it prominently with rock and metal, something in the guitar tones, and I completely forget about ‘going loud’ because of that. And they don’t seem that detailed to me, complex passages are completely muddled sometimes. I can’t recommend KSC75 or see how anyone else does.

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