šŸ”¶ Koss KSC-75 / X

Iā€™m curious to see how they compare to my Grado SR60i. From descriptions they sound like they have a similar tuning and characteristics but that might not be the case at all. I also ordered the G series pads for my Gradoā€™s so I can experiment with them a little bit. Iā€™m doing some low budget audiophile playing around at the moment.

I have a pair of KSC75 that I use with a porta pro headband and yaxi pads. I couldnā€™t use the clips, they were too uncomfortable for me. The yaxi pads really do clean up some of the issues I had with the porta pros and the ksc75. Better balanced and controlled highs and the bass is much more focused instead of sloppy and hazy.

KSC75 on the left, porta pros on the right. :slightly_smiling_face:


I use my ksc75s on the parts express headband. The bit of extra pressure improves the bass. Yaxi pads took too much clarity out for me, but I am 75 and ā€œtreble deficient.ā€ lol . They work well on porta pro tho, as stated by many. Lately I like the kph 30i stockā€¦kind of in the middle of the others soundwise.


Itā€™s go time.


Ok. One song in and itā€™s pretty stupid how good these are for $15. Haha!


Some day 1 impressions:
These are way more detailed sounding than they should be at this price. Very fun for acoustic, folk, rock, and similar music. These would not be my go-to for bass heavy stuff like electronic music. The bass is there but itā€™s more of a tight mid-bass focused sound and doesnā€™t have that heavy boom effect. Comparing them to the KPH30i that I temporarily stole from my daughter they sound VERY different. In A/B listening KPH30i feel very boomy, warm, and fuzzy compared to the crisp clear sound from the KSC75. I would pick the KPH30i for wub-wubs every time, but for pretty much anything else I think I prefer the KSC75. Crazy what they offer for the price.

*Edit to add SR60i comparison:
To my ears it sounds like these have a similar sound signature to the SR60i. The Gradoā€™s feel just a little more refined and smooth sounding. Although I think the treble is even a little more forward on the Gradoā€™s than the KSC75, but the SR60i also have better bass that reaches down a little further than the Koss. Iā€™ll be comparing these more as I hear songs that I think would make an interesting matchup.


Crinacleā€™s review:

Got mine yesterday with red Yaxi, and some blue and white KPHā€™s, guys Iā€™m shook on these things, definitely going to check out some over ears with a similar sound signatureā€¦


How are the Yaxi pads? Was probably going to get a pair or two myself soonā€¦

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Really ups the comfort over stock, great quality

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Just ordered me some of these after watching loads of reviews and reading wat u all think of em. I personally can not wait to listen to them. Hopefully they be here tomorrow. For Ā£18 I canā€™t say im expecting much but from everyones words I kinda hope they put the headphones im runninng atm to shame xD.

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For headphones (can you even call these headphones?), you canā€™t beat what these offer at the price. You wonā€™t be disappointed unless all you listen to is bass-heavy music.


Wat else would u call them ear cushions? xD

And no not just bass I actually much prefer some solid sounding highs that shit is augh.

The KSC75 lives in the case with my Focal headphones if that tells you anything. And that case goes everywhere with me now!


Complete overkill


I beg to differ. The question is, how does it sound? Thatā€™s all that matters.

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They sound warm. I think thatā€™s do to the yaxi pads I have on them. They hit harder in the bass than the sundaras but itā€™s a bit boomy.

Yes, yaxis on 75s take out a touch of midrange detail imo, but make up for it in comfort!

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Pulled these out for the first time in quite a whileā€¦since before I had some better amps to try them on. Crazy how they scale. This pairing with the V200 is my favorite of the day.


I love the obsurdity of this setup. Price to performance on the KSC75 is just dumb. :joy:
Every time I listen to them Iā€™m shocked.