šŸ”¶ Koss KSC-75 / X

The KSC75 I meant, sorry.

Np lol, well they retail for 40$ maybe they have a overstock

You can just get a generic Parts Express headband for a couple of bucks/quid/dinero. It just pops on the same way the earclips do.

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Yep you can certainly do that

Iā€™m having a moment I think. I thought Iā€™d see where the dips and peaks are with SineGen and was pleasantly surprised that these have louder sub-bass than the 4xx. Then I played ā€˜Tell All The Peopleā€™ by The Doors and the sub-bass is non-existent, while I can hear it on the 4xx. Itā€™s the complete opposite of what I was getting in SineGen.
Is there something wrong with SineGen or my temporal lobe?

Thought Iā€™d mention that the porta pro and ksc75 mounts are the same and therefore interchangeable since some people are talking headbands


After a few days of testing, I can safely say that the Grado G pads donā€™t work on these. Theyā€™re comfortable for sure (especially considering they were $3), but they suck all the life out of the mids and bass. I tried it with and without the original padding, without it the treble starts to sound tinny.
I havenā€™t tried doing the Kramer mod but frankly I donā€™t think itā€™d fix it, the driver only works flush with your ear. Iā€™ve ordered some Yaxi pads, so hopefully theyā€™re more comfortable than the stock ones.


I could care less what they sound like, that looks awesome and I want to try it lol


Youā€™ve created a monsterā€¦


I suppose some more tweaking could resolve the issues (I was thinking of buying some leather strips to put on the inner ring to trap some of the sound in), but it really doesnā€™t sound good as is.

I meanā€¦ lol.

M O N S T E R headphones!


This mod looked and sounded the part with the kph30i brother according to the head-fi thread source
but look at the resemblance to the truck!

@Voifi does it fit the ksc without the stock pads? Seems on the kph they sounded best without the stock pads


It does but loosely, youā€™d need something to hold them in place. I found them tinny though.

Painted mine to customize them. Love custom shit. Was not that hard as long as you paint from the lowest angle possible nothing goes inside the headphone

BTW itā€™s sad to not see much activity in this thread, these r such a godsend lol. With an amp they kind of compete with all the headphones Iā€™ve ever owned in just how pleasant the sound sig is and the form factor, detail, imaging everything is awesome


Cool blue. I have ā€œbetterā€ phones, yet often use my standard 75s through a jds atom. Love em. especially for female vocals, lol.

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lol yeah dude, i still use mine alot

Just ordered myself a set of these because I was bored and they were $15. Those are good reasons right?


100% worth lol, use mine a ton

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I bought my kids each a set of KPH30i and I wanted a set of Koss for my own. Do you have the Yaxi pads or the headband on them or do you just use them stock? Definitely considering picking up the pads at some point. Iā€™ll probably hold off on the headband unless the clips really bother me.

I just use them stock, I kinda like them as they are and the clips really donā€™t bother me personally