đŸ”¶ Koss KSC-75 / X

Could we get a link on the grill mod?

Could you link the blu tack mod?

Lol yeah ksc75 are pretty awesome, especially for the price :+1:

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I have them on there. Adds to the the width, but not significantly so. Zeos says in his Amazon review of Yaxi pads that they’re great for the KPH30i but that they lose the bass on the KSC75

Personally, I’m satisfied with the bass even with the Yaxi pads on, but I’m not a basshead.

My only major qualm is that they’re huge so you look goofy AF wearing them

Could that not be said about wearing koss in general lol?


Very true, this just takes it up a notch.
I’m self-conscious by default so these are for indoor use only :smiley:


I feel like a douche wearing ksc 75 outside lol


how I feel wearing them


Actually that’s how I feel wearing my sony mdr r10s lol. They look just like that, I feel like I have tumors on the side of my head lol


You have r10s??!! :exploding_head:

Yes specially the r10 bass heavy, really like them, got them when I was in japan for work

Are the z1r’s comparable at all?

Sold them after I picked up the r10 lol

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ahahahah I now wear my KSC75’s everywhere thats probably how everyone looks at me but they sound so damn good

Could always throw the drivers into a pair of KPH30i’s and get less perplexing stares :joy:

if you’re handy with a drill the kramer mod made the mids really pop and added a bit of bass which I couldn’t really hear before I poked holes in the grills.

found these on thingiverse

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I got a idea. Someone should buy these headphones, buy a superlux take the driver out of the ksc75’s and put them into the superlux. profit.

Interesting idea

Maybe they don’t sell well because of the weird design. Either way, they’re amazing treble and midrange detail focused for only $14!

Which is 14$? the koss or the suerlux?