đŸ”¶ Koss KSC-75 / X

My Parts Express headband arrived today. For the price of a candy bar this makes my KSC75 much more enjoyable to me. Not a huge fan of the ear clips. I robbed the Yaxis off my Porta Pros to give them the full treatment. Yeah, gonna have to buy some Yaxis for these too because they sound great and I need to wear these more often.


Yea!!! I have the same setup and use if OFTEN, even tho I have Sundaras in use most of the time. These make my personal “S” tier, lol. Have fun!

It’s so hard to explain to people that a simple $20 headphone such as this sounds better than most of the gaming headsets. Love these, might switch to portapro just cause I like the headband design comfort a little more. KPH30i was a bit muddy for me but these are like just right. Been using them on my walks a lot of late especially if I am not going into town otherwise I wear my Lagoon ANC or something. I really should try some of koss’s other products at some point


psst KTXPRO1. Fit is shit, but it’s a KSC75 with some more bass :^)

I’m getting a Pro4AA in the retro bundle, so it will be interesting how I’ll feel about it. As much as Zeos hates them, seems some people really like them, but still inferior to vintage ProAAA’s.

I will take a look at them, looks like the typical yaxi pads will fit them as well so should work out. Not sure how I feel on the headband though, less you can actually change the headband

Headband is similar to KPH30i. Even the shortest setting is too big for me, but I do have a small, roundish head.

The big issue is the stock pads may as well not exist, but Yaxis ruin the soundstage and tonality for me. It’s interesting.

hmm, that’s rather unfortunate. Wonder if theres a good pad replacement then that won’t kill the sound. Nah, I would just remove that blue strap and make a custom one for it if anything as far as comfort goes
 I have a large head though so, should fit

Maybe foam plantronics or pleather doughnuts. I didn’t experiment much. I settled with My unused Porta Pro stock cushions, which are I kid you not twice as thick as stock KTX cushions. Tolerable enough for me.

I don’t use these often, but it’s pretty amusing once in a while.

Just look at these. I wanted to love them but I couldn’t :cry:

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I could probably try some like grado pads on them, they can fit the ksc75 decently well.

I believe the portapro has thicker cushion than the ksc75 doesn’t it?

PP uses a softer foam, but size is same. I wonder if the scratchier KSC75 foams are more less treble dampening tham Porta Pro cushions. Now I’m curious.

worth looking at, foam density does seem to alter treble

edit: just saw the picture, oh my that’s beautiful.

Has anyone heard of or own the Yuin G1A or G2A? Apparently they’re by a rather obsucre manufacturer Yuin that modified the Koss 60 ohm driver to their liking. G1A is 150ohms(!) and $115 on Penon Audio. There was some talk about it on HeadFi, but not much.

I’ve been in a bit of a craze for clip ons, so I got to find out about some interesting stuff.

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Ooooooo now this is interesting. I’m gifting my KSC-75 to my sister for Christmas so I might have to check this thing out.

I’m on the hunt for weirder clip-ons that are long discontinued right now, but may pick up a G1A if they’re still around months or years later.

So I read that someone on head fi made a closed back ksc75 called the Stratakosster about 9 years ago, and purrin of sbaf was impressed with the results.

So, what if I bought this:

And put in a ksc75 driver. Sure enough, when you cup the ksc75 to my ear it sounds like it has a much more full bass response and more present mids, with still lively treble. So, has anyone tried to elevate the lowly ksc75 using cheap wood alixpress headphones as the donor?

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If you follow through with this I’d be very interested in the results. I think the ksc75’s just about perfect with my fiio k3 bass boost on.


Oh, this is not even their final form.

The KSC75 Lacks bass you say? Nah, I don’t know about that.

Hallelujah by Pentatonix → You will feel all the bass and some sub bass. No others mods necessary. Amp is a THX 789.

It does lose it’s grado ish appeal though. Treble is balanced by more bass. Although to be honest I haven’t heard a Grado more than 5 minutes in my life, so I can’t even say that for sure.


Hey all, I love my KSC75, but one of the ear clips broke. I cannot for the life of me find one to purchase. Does anyone have a broken one that can spare a right ear clip? I want to use my KSC75s again!!

You could buy the parts express headband. It’s supposed to make them sound better.

It does, but the earclip version is more portable, lol.