Let's show M0N some appreciation!

fair enough, very interesting perspective. thnx for the write up!

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lol, you could look her up but based off what iā€™ve heard itā€™s not the best idea. specially if there are children around

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at this point iā€™m just here to talk about how i stan mon like i stan my kpop idols

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Hahaha Nahhh itll be perfectly fine, the children will love her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Share the same character as avatar hahaha

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I have no clue who she is, other than an some anime girl.

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That is funny. I noticed he was very prolific. I didnā€™t want to spend as much on some of the things he is recommending and gang affiliations he was involved in.

@anon77281620 thankfully thereā€™s actually a thread specifically dedicated to showing @M0N appreciation!!!


Definitely a huge thanks to @M0N for answering my autistic DMā€™s.

Also if the nighthawk is so good wheres the nighthawk 2?

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Iā€™d like to ask audioquest the same question, but I think the nighthawks were one and done for them after how polarizing they are to people, must not have been profitable


Youā€™re right for sure. It seems to have gained a cult following hope it gets the love it deserves.

I would definitely say @M0N Is one of the nicest and most knowledgeable Guys around and I thoroughly appreciate him and what he does for this community!!!


Many of has have sacrificed our wallets in the name of M0N.


I would say he saved me from wasting money on other stuff that I wouldnā€™t have known to stay away from/not enjoy :wink:


And think if we heard something crappy enough that was recommended by people that canā€™t tell how higher end gear soundsā€¦ we may have stopped and saved a ton of money.


He has taught many (me included) how to ask the right questions before offering advice to others!


Are kilobuck+ headphones really 20x better value than speakers? IMO Iā€™d rather listen to a $5K speakers set up than a $500-$250 headphone one.

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Thatā€™s a very subjective question, I prefer speakers hands down over IEMā€™s and HPā€™s all day long but that doesnā€™t stop me from purchasing plenty of each type :muscle:


Totally agree with the above statement. Speakers first for full enjoyment followed by headphones for critical and quiet times and of course IEMs for portable and work around outside.

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Agreed, they all have their own use cases.

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