Let's talk about computers

It’s not an upgrade I’d be jumping with joy for, but that’s also not a terrible upgrade either. If you get one of the models that’s close to MSRP, that is.

And there in lies the trick to it.

Finished up another APU build in the Skyreach 4 Tiny.
5700G, STRIX B550-I, 32GB of Trident-Z.


Well, I guess VESA HDR certifications really don’t mean much of anything

Hey guys, I need your advice. Have a newer Asus laptop which keeps asking to install
Windows 11. Ok to do now, or should I still wait? ie Do they have the bugs out, as I’m not
much good at fixing things when they get wierd, lol. And how long does it take to install?

I just recently got a laptop that had W11 installed on it. I was nervous about that, but so far I have to say that it is performing pretty well. Nothing strange has happened, no weird lockups, it’s been nice and fast… so far so good. The only thing I had to fix was the printer driver. W11 wouldn’t talk to the printer. I ended up going to Epson and grabbing their FW and drivers and that solved the problem. But that is W11 pre-installed. I can’t really say whether doing it via upgrade path like that will bring the same result. I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

I know what you mean though. Kathy’s laptop has been asking her if she wants to upgrade and so far, she has been saying no! If/when she pulls the trigger, I’ll let you know how it goes. I suspect she won’t be doing it any time soon, though. She is still skeptical, too!

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My advice is that unless there is some specific new feature of Win11 that you need, or would find particularly useful, don’t bother. The option to upgrade will always be there, but it’s usually better to do clean installs than upgrade an existing OS.


@Michael Thank you. That’s helpful. Since my computer use and knowledge of them is
very basic I’ll probably sit tight for now unless some other reason to upgrade comes up.

Well, time to stop shopping at Newegg.


Have yet to post in here, figured I’d contribute.

Currently been waiting a while to upgrade my gtx1070, seemingly no end in sight to these crazy prices.

Ouch. That’s too bad. Got it, no more buying from Rotten Egg.

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Know the feeling, sitting tight on a GTX 970. I’ve been eyeing a 3070 for months now, if there are no solid signals of things getting better I might pull the trigger.


Yeah, been sitting on a RX 570, wanting to upgrade, but not wanting to support all the scalping, or endorse the miner craze.

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Prices have been droping slowly. They were up in fall, but I have seen about 100-200€ price drops.

Hindsight being 20/20 I don’t regret blowing my stimulus money on a 3090 in February 2021. The store I bought it from hasn’t had one in stock since, and it took about a year for my spot in the EVGA queue to hit…

Plus I purchased their extended warranty so in early 2024 I can walk in with my “dead” 3090 and get credit for the purchase price, which will, hopefully by then, buy me more than just an equivalent card…

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Hmmmm I wonder which one should I get first for my rig as a small upgrade for it, SSD or RAM? I am going for the RAM since I want to upgrade it for even long term use, but I am also having a bit of trouble in terms of storage since recently I have been playing games that I am into, and running out of space can be a bit of a pain in the ass.

SSD for sure if you don’t have one already. It would be the most noticable upgrade. RAM is hit or miss, if you have 16 gb already and it’s a decent speed you should be g2g for long term.

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Yeah I am currently aiming for a NVMe one as well. Probably a good idea as well to have right now.

Gen 3 stuff is getting cheaper by the day so it’s a good bang for buck upgrade right now. Gen 4 is still high but prices are coming down. If you plan on downloading a ton of games definitely shoot for a 2tb as games keep getting bigger.

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SSD - Also make sure that you OS is on it.
Storage is always useful , and really affordble nowdays, you can even get a 1TB NVME ssd from a good brand for 100$

if you dont have an NVME slot on your motherboard you skill find plenty of SATA ssd that are great that are cheap (i’d recommend going for a more known brand like WD or Samsung),also i wouldnt recommend the dirt cheap ones since in most cases they dont have DRAM cache (DRAM make the drive faster)