Listening Chairs

Really like mine, works well for me

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when is China going to come out with furniture that’s 90% this quality for 30% the price? <_<

I actually know someone who goes to Amish auctions and gets really high quality handmade furniture for pretty cheap. But you have to have a local community around you

yes, there’s a lot of stuff like that available from colonies in the Canadian Prairies…however they’re not really like what you get from Herman Miller, Stressless or Human Touch. super high quality, but completely different.

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Of course not, just a different route to explore

so what Amish made chair do you sink into for to enjoy your audio? :wink:

Well my grandparents had this super comfortable rocker they got from an auction, and you just sunk in but still felt super comfortable in an upright position. It actually kinda supported headphones without pushing them off the head

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what style was the furniture? I’m not trying to stereotype, but most is high quality but quaker or mission style, as two examples.

I think I’ll probably have to go with something from Ikea. just need to look up reviews to see whether the different pads are worth the premiums. the chair’s flexibility is what absorbs most of the weight, etc, not the padding :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no idea tbh, I just know it was all pine and really nice to touch and had no creaks or any other quirks. I don’t know what the cushions were made out of, but they were secured to the chair by something like a hook system built into the chair so they didn’t move around all that much. The base did not move and it had a rocking system, but I can’t really remember more

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that hints at your age :wink:

How much so? I can tell you that I’m not over 40, and sure don’t sound my age. I was very young the last time I saw this chair. I don’t know what happened to it.

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mmm…the problem is worse than old age then! under 40 and forgetting childhood wonders…LoL! :wink:

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Well my priority typically wasn’t to focus on furniture, as I’m sure I had better thing to do at the time…probably