Listening to tonight (Part 1)

I had a friend who kept talking him up to me in the 90s, and I finally gave in and picked up the album Murder Ballads. It’s still one of my favorite records, but he’s released so much content over the years that its tough to keep up. This Grinderman side project is his normal band, The Bad Seeds, but playing a different style than they normally would. The guy is obviously an artist, even if I’m not on board with everything he’s done. He actually wrote and directed one of my favorite movies called The Proposition. It’s a Western set in Australia starring Guy Pearce and really holds up well

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This is either the best or worst song about being a cuckold:

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Here’s Fiona Apple doing it really well also, but with less subtle rage, if you dig it:

This is one of my favorite songs that I never would have heard if not for “suggested tracks” on Spotify based on my listening history. The algorithm worked on this one for me:


The dandy warhols - Not if you where the last junkie on earth

Remember seeing that video on MTV back when it was released, and i loved it… think i got a little crush on the girl playing keyboard (Zia McCabe) too :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont listen to metal or rock much but this got recommended to me Im pretty into it
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Madrugada - Honey bee

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These guys have a crazy varied catalog. This album isn’t necessarily their best (although it’s damn good!) but showcases their variability.

Also, love the name.

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Also a band that I don’t think has gotten their due:


Kind of reminds me of Leonard Cohen a little bit

Don Was on bass and Ringo Starr on drums on this track. Kinda blows my mind

This video always cracked me up. Why bother pretending to lip sync when all you need to do is hold your mouth wide open when your vocals are playing?

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I hate linking from Tidal because even though I have a sub, whenever I click on a link someone else posts I have to go through the browser login screen since I use the desktop app. That’s the reason I usually just use the crappy youtube links. Also Tidal seems to jump to a random point in time for the 30 seconds they sample