Is an instant classic!
We used to go to as many local Ramones concerts as possible in their / our early years.
Classic stuff.
Flac > Foobar2000 > smsl sanskrit 10th mk2 > yamaha a-s501 > Bowers & Wilkins 685 s2 + klipsch 10" sub
Excellent choice. Enjoy
Celebrating my new squeaky clean signal chain, I thought I would give the boys a go
FLAC/Fubar > Douk Audio U2 Pro DI > SMSL M200 S/PDIF input > XDuo TA-20 > HiFi Man Sundara
Still my favorite Motorhead song and album, although I think I may be in the minority on that.
Qobuz > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Bottlehead Crack Speedball > Sennheiser HD650
MacBook Pro → Exogal Comet+ (USB) → Quicksilver (Tungsram tubes) → ZMF Eikon (Auteur pads)
Not sure why I decided to listen to this as one of my test tracks for the new DAC, but I like this cover quite a bit.
Grooving in the weekend! I like this one, it’s a solid collection of Sting’s work. He puts on an amazing show.
Enjoy, all.
FLAC/Fubar > Douk U2 Pro > SMSL SP200 > BeyerDynamic Lagoon ANC
Shifting gears. Sound tracks can be a real surprise. This one is great. I’m also streaming magnificent underwater views in 4K. What a setting! This is incredible.
These Lagoons are blowing me away with how musical they are. Fantastic for streaming.
AMHD > Douk U2 Pro > SMSL M200 > SMSL SP200 > BeyerDynamic Lagoon ANC