Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Currently on a plane sitting at the gate at JFK wanting to get in the air and headed home. I had a Scotch before boarding and decided to put on something chill to listen to while I wait for take off.

I have the SoftEars Twilights running off an iBasso DX160. On deck in the queue is an album entitled From Darkness by Avishai Cohen Trio. Just a solid album full of great musicians laying down some laid back, but musically engaging contemporary jazz. The production (mixing, mastering, etc) is absolutely stellar on this album, IMO. They captured all the music along with the ambiance/atmosphere and the space. Some of the tracks have a bit of a fusion or mild prog influence especially when you listen to the drumming style, time sig changes, and arranging style. Cohen’s double bass playing is really a treat to listen to and the Twilights to a great job of rendering it with such realistic and natural tone, timbre, and presentation. This definitely has me feeling a bit more zen…:sunglasses:


Such a great artist! First album I’ve heard from him was Continuo. I remember playing bass guitar over some of the tracks. Your description of his music is spot on (I’m french Canadian and could not have describe it as well as you did).

I wish I could try the Twilights. Zen Pros sounds good with Avishai Cohen Trio.

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I know these folks and have seen a number of times. 3 sisters, one keyboardist who does most of the writing/arranging. Nice people…fun, uplifting music!

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Dude, thank you for this rec. I just put it on and from the first minute alone I can tell this thing bangs.

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Absolutely bro! I stumbled across Cohen (solo work, the trio stuff, etc) while clicking through a deep dive on Qobuz a couple years ago and I knew within a couple minutes that I was a fan. He has a pretty wide variety of jazz styles on various albums so this is just one of many “flavors.” That said, this is my favorite from his catalog.

To @eargasm I actually owned the Zen Pros for about a month while I was doing my sub-$1k single DD search and if it weren’t for the Twilights edging them out, the Zens would’ve been my pick. They’re actually similar to the Twilights in several ways and I can guarantee they sound great with Cohen’s work too because I actually used a couple of his albums during my comparative listening to the Twilights, Zen Pros, and Moondrop Illuminations. BTW, thanks for the kind words on my description. :metal::sunglasses:

P.S. Finally touched down in L.A. Stoked to be back in SoCal! :sunglasses:


Goddamn. This SLAPS!

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Great live club recording! Fun!


Into the night we go. Tomorrow morning will be a classical journey. Tonight, we play! Starting off with a good one


AMHD > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN Edition XS


It’s a sick album, no doubt! I love it when my recs work for people. :+1::sunglasses:

I’m going to have to go a bit deeper on his catalog, but this album in a vacuum is unbelievable, seriously. The mastering is some of the best I’ve heard in a long time. Thank you again for the rec, dude. Lovely stuff :pinched_fingers:

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Letting the Monarchs flex their timbral muscles tonight. Chef’s Kiss


I never got to listen to the bonus CD that came with the Flying Colors box set I recently purchased. So I am spinning that up tonight.


Really impressive stuff. These guys are such good musicians. The bonus tracks are amazing. Great way to start the evening.

Local FLAC > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > SMSL SH-9 > Focal Radaince


Re the Cohen album. Great recording quality, thanks. Also…can appreciate your
interest in this as a fellow drummer. :wink: I have a former student who is a composer, drummer, and has designed studios who will appreciate this, lol.
Makes me “Smile.”
PS Welcome home.

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I’m glad you enjoy it! I have to admit that, while I appreciate many kinds of music for all different reasons, it’s music that I find to have great drumming or be rhythmically interesting that tends to capture my imagination and interest first and foremost. I guess that’s just the cost of being a drummer, right? :sunglasses:

I have actually started working on plans to build my own studio. I figured it woukd be complicated if I wanted to do it right, but I had no idea just how much there is in the way of engineering and design to be done regarding dimensions, detail, and placement to get ideal sound proofing and sonic reflective properties so I have a ton of respect for your former student.

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He was here this past weekend and did a bit of listening…he hears things I
never even THOUGHT of. :rofl:
PS he’s currently finishing writing an opera!

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