Listening to tonight (Part 2)

He was here this past weekend and did a bit of listening…he hears things I
never even THOUGHT of. :rofl:
PS he’s currently finishing writing an opera!

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Wow, sounds like a very talented dude! I have always been a bit awed by folks like that, that just seem to be on another level with their ability to apply knowledge, skill, expertise, etc in so many different ways.

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FLAC > CMUS > Jnog > Sabaj A10a > Klipsch R41M


After spending an amazing day doin a small roadtrip with my lovely Wife, the musical segmemt of the day begins! Funny, somehow the events of the day took me back in time, so I’m starting tonight with one from a local artist we got into some time ago, doin the San Francisco music scene. Went to shows, ended up meeting her one night and hanging for a while. Great person. She was just catching fire then. went on to have a really nice career! Anyway, a nice trip down the lane. This is Megan Slankard and “Freaky Little Story”. CD Signed by the artist.


Local FLAC > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > SMSL SH-9 > Focal Radiance


Currently listening to the ZMF Verite Closed on the Ferrum Oor/Hypsos stack with the Schiit Yggdrasil taking over DAC duties for the evening.

I stumbled across a band named Deposed King on Bandcamp during one of my insomniac deep dives and I’m really liking what I’m hearing. Their album, One Man’s Grief, was released back in January.

P.S. It has been months since I’ve gotten to listen to my VCs (or my Atriums for that matter) since I don’t have them with me on the road. Coming back to these from a good long time away reminds me why these are my favorite dynamic driver based headphones. They’re just special. Period. Zach/ZMF really put out some great cans. :metal::sunglasses:

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Probably on my last album for tonight’s/this morning’s sesh. For this one I’m kickin’ it with my new to me Penon Serials running off an iBasso DX160 which is an incredible combo as far as synergy goes.

Listening to a 2019 album from a group named Consider The Source entitled You Are Literally a Metaphor. Some solid technical musicianship here. The drummer and bassist really do some pretty ridiculous interplays with timing between tom fills and trills supporting slapped bass lines that are very fun/cool to listen to. Maybe not for everyone, but I’m certainly enjoying the skill on display here. I think I actually ran across this group during the same deep dive that landed me the album in my post above. Definitely worth checking out, IMHO. :metal::sunglasses:


Milky Chance, a German group with a funky streak in them. Found their song Synchronize, then gave this a…chance. Not regretting it so far :slight_smile:

Fun fact: the album cover fucking moves in Apple Music. It’s both dope and a little freaky!

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Today, I’m working on installing an automated monitoring and control system in the nursery for when my daughter is born. Definitely a good opportunity to enjoy some tunes. I have the Campfire Audio Supermoons plugged into my iBasso DX160. This combo definitely has some cool synergy going on, giving the low end an extra edge that I’m really enjoying.

On deck in the queue is a 2021 album by Nils Landgren Funk Unit entitled Funk is My Religion. I’m definitely a fan of this group’s music. This is just one amongst a handful of solid and fun funky albums these guys have put out. It’s not quite as good as my favorite from them, but evey single one of their albums is very much worth listening to. :metal::sunglasses:


Listening now. :ok_hand:

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Good times! Definitely a talented group that’s always fun to listen to. :metal::sunglasses:

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Something to wake up to, because there’s a lot of lullaby music here :purple_heart: :grinning:

FLAC > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F


Your chain is rather impressive, sir, it must sound incredible!

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Thank you! I am very happy with it. There is also a 12" Klipsch subwoofer in the system, I just don’t list it.

I showed the system to a friend a few weeks ago and I made the mistake of letting him hold the remote to adjust the volume to his liking. He asked for Rocket Queen by Guns N’ Roses be played, then proceeded to push the system much harder than I ever did.

I had him sitting in the sweet spot and I was off to the left, outside of the stereo zone. He pushed so hard that the right channel Vidar cut out into protection mode! A simple power cycle fixed it. My ears were ringing badly after that one song. I’m impressed that the Klipsch’s held up because at 400 watts in mono, that’s plenty of power to lay waste to them.

I’ve had my ears ringing from the system before while playing Tool, but I never pushed it as hard as my friend did. I think the neighbors a mile away might have heard us. LOL

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That is absolutely impressive! Feel the Powah of audiophilalia! :joy:

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I have an upgrade coming in the next couple of months. Some DIY speakers… stay tuned, it’ll be sick.


That’s so interesting - DIY speakers… I have to admit, I have never thought of DIY speakers being a thing but I guess that makes sense. This hobby is filled with so much passion, I don’t think there’s a sector that hasn’t been touched by DIYers. That’s cool, brother. I hope you enjoy!

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Qobuz > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F