Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Happy to spread the word! Some of those are more country/ folk but great artists non the less. I was a bit spoiled growing up 20 minutes from Red Rocks. Probably seen 40ish concerts there and even sat on the hill outside the walls for a free couple handfuls of shows.

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Just found these ladies the other night and have been watching lots of their video’s.


Roon → Spring3 KTE → Orr/Hypsos → Susvara


They are addicting for sure, a super fun jam-band.

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Even if you arent a fan of classical music you should give it a try

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Midlake - For the Sake of Bethel Woods

Took them almost 10 years but it’s pretty good.

Can’t say im a fan of Billy Idol, but this song sounded a bit familiar somehow…

Spotify > ifi Zen Dac v2 > Denon pma600ne > Dali Oberon 3 + Dali C8 D sub


Happy Birthday Natasha Atlas…Awesome live :+1:

Yay for new Crosses material!! :+1:

Vinyl > TEAC TN-300 > Ortofon 2M Blue > Schiit Mani > Jotunheim > Loki > Kenwood M1 > Klipsch R-620F


This Billy Idol album from 1993 was so ahead of its time. Incredible. It’s as fresh as 30 years ago.

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Felt like something a bit different tonight.

Beautiful little concert.

Geshelli J2 - E2 - Elegia

Soundcore Q30 (EQ’d).

One of their underrated songs that is actually one of my favorites in my opinion.

PC > YouTube > ifi Zen DAC > Moondrop Quarks