Listening to tonight (Part 2)


A favorite! It’s nice to see it streamable. This one and MultiKulti were lost for a while there. Don tried to buy the rights and backstock CDs when A&M went oob, and then there was a warehouse fire…I treasure my copies.

Also, BJH! Never expected to find them in here. I really like their first eight or so (particularly the first, more psychedelic, album and Octoberon) but they’re all good, really - def not a “poor man’s Moody Blues” imo…


Feeling like a Massive Attack mix today.

I also broke out my DT 880 600Ω with the Dekoni Choice Suede pads. Swapping the pads really increased the bass response in my ears.

FLAC > Foobar > Jnog > Darkvoice > DT880


Posted this before but I love hearing this song…


Elderbrook - Tied To You (Yotto Remix)

Tied To You (Yotto Remix) - Elderbrook, Yotto

Must listen before sleep:

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Qobuz > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (Monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F


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I am not really sure if this belongs here, but being that we are all usually looking for something new to listen to I think it fits the topic. It is a good watch. Rick bases them off of well recorded and enginered songs/albums. There are some oldie but goodies we all know and some not so well known.


The Police - Every Breath You Take

The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da


yesterday met with a new friend where I recommeneded her some hip-hop tracks while she recc’ed a song by lana.
i wanted to try lana from some good time but still haven’t done properly ( except summertime sadness ) so I guess it’ll be changing today.
if you got some of lana songs that you deeply relate to or like the most, then hit me up.

Amazon Music hit me with some unusually successful recommendations today:

If they sounded good on the Butastur (they really really did) then in particular for this genre I know they’ll be beyond awesome on the Serials which excels with psychedelic/60s rock vibes. About to find out.

^ I love the feeling from the high notes throughout this one.

As an added note about the butt tasters though - I’ve lately had no consonant issues at all with small ePro horns snugly inserted, and with the ‘10’ switch setting I’ve been completely satisfied with bass replay too. As in nothing is anaemic or lacking. I’m about to enjoy the EXTRA oomph from the Serials


@rattlingblanketwoman These are all tremendous recs, John, thank you!

Como Te Quiero in particular hit me in a part of my soul that rarely is hit - lovely stuff.

I’ve been all over the place lately;

Front this -

To this somehow -

To this?

Music is quite the ride.


Listening through…

So far Cicada’s been great, I like it. Guitar in the left channel almost reminds me of a Deftones drone.

Summer madness is a groove, I like the vibrance in the synth over the top of it.

I legit know no Tom Petty besides whatever 3 or 4 songs everyone knows are by him. I love the firmness in the kick to this one, and how it keeps things rolling with those guitars which have great bite. I’ll take a rusty harmonica refrain every day of the week that it’s offered.

Thanks for the recs!

Not that I can ever remember how to spell their name, but Krunkbin have been a treasured find from the last year or so, very human people making very human music.

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Fuck yeah, brother / loving that you’re enjoying the recs!

Yeah, this is probably my favorite Petty song next to Runnin’ Down a Dream. I absolutely love how in that song it just never stops. It’s just kick - snare - kick - snare over and over and over again while Petty wheves backing electric guitar in with these intense acoustic riffs during the course. Just a sick song.

I’m going to go with Krunkbin, I love that :joy: yeah I just started Hasta El Cielo and wow, what a vibe front to back. It’s very low-key and groovy similar to summer madness in my eyes.

I’ll be enjoying Krunchlint’s music for the foreseeable future :ok_hand:

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I hadn’t gone far enough back, this is the one that kickstarted my morning:

I LOVE everything this instrumental track stands for.

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