Looking at 1 IEM and 2 earbuds for the same price w o is better

Yincrow RW-3000 - 150e
Temperament DB1 (30Ом)- 150e
Thieaudio Elixir - 150е

What is the experience of people who own this product? What is your comparison of the three and what do you think about the price? Thanks a lot in advance. I use a KA 17 with Porta Pros, AKG 712 Pro, KPH40, and KPH30i.

The Elixir is the only IEM of those 3 you mentioned, the other 2 are earbuds and if you are in that price range, get Rikubuds. :wink:


You are right; what I’m looking for is something good to listen to in a small form factor, not necessarily an IEM. I might have missed the category.

well if you want small then my gen 3 rikubuds will be it.


If you want the value for money in a small package, they are:
Yincrow X6 (earbud and competes with $100 models I’ve had)
7hz Salnotes Zero:2 (IEM)
Moondrop Chu II (IEM, I travel with these everywhere, small and stealthy looking too)

All are easy to drive, a U.S. version of the Apple 3.5mm adapter for $9 will light them up really well (and your headphones too)

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I just want to make clear I didn’t mean small form factor for IEMs or earbuds. I meant small form factor as in smaller than on-ear headphones since I have the Porta Pros and KPHs.