So I would like to buy an amp/dac that could be used for desktop use (Sundara) and on the go use (some iems I’ll be looking into later). I have a budget of about 200 - 300 euro. I was looking at the xduoo xd-5 basic with the bluetooth accessory or the xduoo xp-2 pro. Would there be a better option? The bluetooth is not the main point but is very nice to have.
I’ve heard very good things about the xd05 plus.
I personally use the Ifi iDSD Micro Black Label, but I don’t think the price is ever going to go down.
However, a lot of good things have been said about the Ifi Hip DAC.
People still recommend the Chord Mojo as the price has come down quite a bit and powers most things cleanly. But you’d have to get used to the buttons
At this price point, you’re probably not going to beat the Xduoo though in terms of power so…
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thanks I’ll take a look
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S/H iDSD Micro or Micro BL x2
I don’t think the XD05 will do the Sundara justice. The Sundara doesn’t ‘demand’ a lot of power, it works off very little power. But it only truly shines when you feed it lots and lots of powah!
Micro BL x3