Looking for an AMP+DAC

Hi everyone,

I’m new here and hope this is the right place to ask.
I finally decided to treat myself with an AMP/DAC 2-in-1 or stack, comming from onboard sound.
My location is Germany and my budget is about 500 EUR, however if justifyable up to 600 is okay, the cheaper the better.
I currently have the DT990 250 Ohm and MSR7b. In the future I want to get maybe 1990 Pro, Hifiman 400i or Sundaras, HD 660 S or whatever comes up.
In other words, I want some AMP/DAC that can comfortably drive what I currently have and has the potential to support future things.
I think that anything up to 300 Ohm support is fine, I don’t plan to go crazy.
Concerning my music it’s still mostly lossy but I’m onto it and want to get most of it in lossless.

I already looked at some options and reviews but I’m not quite sure what to get.
Is something cheap good enough, do I need something more expensive/powerful or do I overspend?
On the one hand I’m a cheapskate and want to get the Zen DAC V2 but on the other hand I want something bigger and better.
Question is, with what I have and maybe plan to buy in the future, do I reall need it?
Sorry if it’s confusing but yeah welcome to my head.

Here’s the options and my thoughts by price:

iFi Zen DAC V2 159€
+cheap, has balanced, all in one
-read about 250 Ohm having issues or not enough power?

FiiO K5pro 179€
-almost same as Zen but more expensive?

Hel 2 245€
+small all on one, looks great, BIG knob
-price, no balanced

Magni + Modi 3+ (or Heresy?) 275€
+Schiit stack just werks, stylish in black, power
-price, no balanced, the weirdness between the Heresy and Magni

Topping A50s/D50s 399€
+overall nice stack

Asgard 3 +Multibit 439€
+all in one, good Schiit
-PRICE, no balanced, no LED

JDS Element II 522€
+seems like Hel 2 but better
+PRICE, 40€ for shipping is stupid

Topping DX7Pro 552€
+overall great all in one, display, connections, functionality

iFi Zen DAC+CAN Signature 599€
+overall great stack, connections, meme buttons, power,…

Thanks for any comment or suggestions.

Given your budget and goals/power needs, I would aim higher than the output of ZenDAC. Same is true of Hel 2.

K5pro could be the budget 2-in-one with enough juice.

I would look towards Asgard 3 + Modius if you’re into the Schiit Stack.
Also, Asgard 3 does have a discrete LED visible through its top venting.
Future proof, strong build. It’s not balanced, true — but it supplies more than enough power SE for your currents and targets. Not requiring you do purchase balanced cables. Also, unless your DT990 is modded - you’re stuck with single-ended performance which many of the “balanced amps” will de-prioritize and don’t deliver nearly as much juice as their SE port.

I know it costs a good amount to get it there, but I still think it is a strong performer.
I prefer stacks to all-in-ones because of versatility, I understand the form factor/connector issue.

It also seems that you can get more out of an Asgard 3 with external DAC rather than adding a module.

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For what it’s worth, I don’t think balanced is a feature worth prioritizing in the price range that you’re looking at. Also, if I was going to buy an Asgard as an all-in-one, I’d definitely buy it with the cheaper DAC so you spend less now, and then save that extra $100 to put towards maybe upgrading to a separate DAC in down the road.


Not having balanced inputs and outputs really isn’t a con/downside. I would personally not bother with balanced Amps and DACs and this is coming from someone who owns a balanced DAC and Amp. The Modi 3+ in black and IEMagni would match and could be an option if you do not like the color scheme of the Magni Heresy. Black and red color schemes needs to die.

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welcome to HFG, dxb!

I think you hit the head on the nail when you mentioned the Asgard 3…but drop the internal DAC card and grab a Modius instead. you should be able to find both used for decent prices. in fact, I think there is an Asgard 3 for sale on your Buy & Sell thread here. :slight_smile:

balanced output can be very good, if implemented well…but the exact same thing can be said for single ended out put and that’s where the Asgard 3 shines. it does a damn fine job and has oodles of power for the harder to drive headphones. :slight_smile:

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Also, since you’re in Europe and Schiit products can be kind of annoying to buy there (at least so I’ve heard), a Lake People G103 also gets recommended around the forums for a similar use case to the Asgard.

I totally missed the currency symbol you used…Schiit is tough to get over there, so looking at more local products would be beneficial, like the Zen DAC. I have the original and love it!

Yeah, you’re a cheapskate, :grin:.
You didn’t even necessarily pick bad stuff, to be honest.
If I may suggest, think further into the future.
You still have possible headphones in planning that would then also have the power to operate them well without you having to buy something new afterwards.

My suggestion would be the following.
Ify Zen plus Lake People G103
Would be available in Germany.
Or Ify Zen with Little dot 1+
Beresford Capella is not necessarily a bad headphone amplifier with great settings.
Topping Dx3pro would not necessarily be wrong.
Topping E 30 dac is a Good Dac too.

Alternatively there are also Dac Dongels from Questyle, Ibasso, Astell Kern which have a Spidf output and can be connected to the headphone amplifier with a 3.5 mm to Rca cable if they have an Rca input.
You can also use the Dac dongel mobile if you want.

Thanks for the replies which made me rethink, I appreciate that.

While balance doesn’t seem to be worthwhile to include (was only a bonus to begin with), I think I should clarify a little bit.
I want a rather small stack or all in one solution that I can fit on my already cramped desk with all the hardware and documents flying around.
This is why I included all these small to medium sized AIOs or stacks, however dongles go a little too far. The only concern I have with those is if can adequately power 250 Ohm beyers and headphones with similar requirements.
Something like Asgard + Modius will most likely take too much space for my liking.
In this regard, why do so many recommend to buy an Asgard with a seperate DAC? Doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of the Asgard, especially since the Magnius exists to have a higher quality stack?

Also yeah, availability of Schiit’s kinda shit and chinese shit while good always feels kinda dodgy so idk…

I think many prefers the modular, more-easily-switched nature of stacks vs all-in-one. Quality of the dated DAC modules at their cost lags behind the quality of separate more up-to-date units. Though the A3 has plenty of power, but I believe it has been shown repeatedly between here or on Jot - that output signal level from an onboard Schiit module is less than one of their separate DAC.

Asgard is a discrete amp design made to its creators desire of ideal musicality at its price. Magnius produced to answer demand for balanced-design op-amp that hits for measurements. Similar to the explanation of two (oops, three, lol) versions of Magni 3. Different strokes.

For 250 ohm Beyers as a peak target, just avoid the lower-power units as I mentioned. If a solid state amp gives you at least a watt of peak output. Others with more direct experience can affirm, but you’d probably be okay with a HEL 2 if you want a small-form all-in-one.